I like Dunks coffee and I cannot lie

And it’s even harder to make them without a functioning electrical grid. 

Pro-tip: bring a treat for the FA’s (donuts, premium chocolates) and you might get comp’ed something.

Yeah, wife took that job over pretty quick after we moved in together once she saw how I did it.

Money laundering schemes are where it’s at.

Ms. Newton-John is happy about this:

Yeah, that’s kind of recent. Used to be “direct flight” always meant the same plane. Probably a hold over from when planes needed to stopover to refuel.

Arguments are good. But not fights. Those (they?) that don’t argue, fight.

I’ve heard some youngsters say “jee-you-eye” instead of “gooey” lately. First time I had to ask one what he was referring to. Is this a thing now?

Go to Israel to see how it’s done.

Scrapple presents exactly like C-4 on a x-ray image. Ask me how I know.

My sister just gave me a jar of Himalayan pink salt mixed with ghost pepper for my birthday. I had no idea what to do with it until now.

I think they’re talking here about the run up to New Hampshire...which, to be fair, gets clogged up starting about 2PM on any weekday


For a few years there my sister passed along employee giveaways from her Big Pharma company to me as Xmas presents. Promotional sweatshirts, a “How Big Pharma Has Improved the World” type book, and a lucite block with five vials of famous world-changing vaccines (that one was, admittedly, kinda cool, but still).

My wife and I typically come up with an amount we’d spend on gifts for each other, then donate the combined sum to a worthwhile local charity.

Every once in a while they’ll run an article about the difference and you should make sure to use the correct name. Then they turn around and serve up a hot mess like this.

[Audience applause]

Most fireplaces, while nice to look at, do a far better job of sucking cozy warmth out of your house than adding it.

DW and I have been married for almost 10 years, together for more than 15.

And, you’re definitely not a dope. The article should have (at least parenthetically) explained what this means.