I like Dunks coffee and I cannot lie

You really should separate whiskey (or whisky) into different categories like Scotch, Bourbon, Irish Whiskey and the like, as they are very different beverages and appeal to different persons.

The earnings are also tax-free in some places, which could add up.

More than you have.

Try labneh if you can find it.

What about a mixer (hand-held or stand)? Both wife and mom use(d) that method and the results are (were) as good as anything I’ve had. Those are not sharp blades.

And don’t forget the whippets.

Or a functioning olfactory nerve, even.

Safari using ~1GB just viewing this page.

I thought the same - here in Massachusetts it would be a joke because everybody would just drive around it on the right...err...wrong side of the road.

Wooden ones, yet.

You are not a fool. You are a hero.

Yep. Ferrerro Rocher to a six year old? Give me a break. Full size versions of the classics (Reeses’s Cups, Kit Kay, Hershey Mil Chocolate) are the ne plus ultra of trick or treat handouts.

You’re new here?


You do realize you’re helping to support what is essentially a lobbying outfit for “the boomers,” right? 

This is the way to go. Assuming you sealed around the edges (which I’m sure you did) it also cuts down on moisture infiltration (read: mold) into the attic.

You left out the other meanings of affect and effect.

Also, you are not stationary during an ‘e’arthquake.

Planet of the Apes?

I was alive when it was on and, trust me, it was not some sort of fringe element who thought he was a hero. There were non-ironic “Archie Bunker for President” bumper stickers and t-shirts aplenty.