I like Dunks coffee and I cannot lie

Yeah, I saw later that I missed the “shire.” It’s what comes from growing up near Worcester (woor-ches-ter) Township, PA and now living near Worcester (wuh-ster), MA.

Fun fact: In Israel, “Philadelphia” is the generic name for any cream cheese. Being from Philly, I got a kick out of this when my Israeli wife explained it to me.

Sorry, left off a (TM) there.

Hellman’s (known as Best Foods west of the Rockies) Mayonnaise.

Good advice. In addition, you should probably also be “discreet.”

You were doing so well until:

The #67 and #82 (and, if my memory serves, the enable call waiting prefix) are general phone system codes and have nothing to do with the iPhone - they work on landlines (remember those?) as well.

I bought 5 six-packs of various full-size “bars” (includes the 2-packs of full-size Reeses’ Cups, etc.). So, after setting aside one of the Hershey w/Almonds Bars for myself, that’s 29 servings. After they’re gone there’s a bag of assorted bite-size.

A story about AirPods Pro and you couldn’t get a picture with AirPods Pro?

Now all I need to do is convince the wife to try this with her schnitzel. 

Select adjectives carefully, and use them sparingly. Avoid the most banal variety at all costs: really, very, actually, quite, literally, ...”

Only the ones we don’t believe.

How hard is it to measure and get right? I’ve hung hundreds, if not thousands of pictures with a tape measure and some third grade math, and rarely had to redo anything. And no trash.

I learned something new today! 

And remember: less waste per amount of candy with full-size bars!

Been working on my “last 10 songs before I die” playlist for 40 some years. When it’s finalized, I’ll know it’s time.

This. I’m a borderline fanboy, but even I’m not so stupid as to use a defective app just because it’s from Apple, when there are superior alternatives available.

Ok but, sorry, the third ‘B’ falls over as a mnemonic.

...or “leftover wine.”

Is there really any difference between fresh candy corn and stale candy corn?