
Gold is required for essentially everything. Netflix and other stuff you already pay a fee for, IE, Skype, the in-game DVR and upload features and even some F2P content.

The console can receive and display streamed video and music from Windows computers through Microsoft's Play To streaming service. Any files that can run on Xbox Music and Xbox Video will be supported, including .wmv, .wma, .mp3 and presumably any format listed here.

This and Kinect Sports Rivals not available at launch. Oops. It all looks slick but I wonder how much of what was passed over was bullshot and not retail code.

It was Guitar Hero mostly guilty of this, plus a few other companies trying to snipe off the sides and grab a piece of the marketshare.

So Loki is a Bottom. I learned something today!

Image rep: "We're left to guess what triggered the rejection. It's almost as if their lack of defined policy is their policy."

I prefer the Xbox 360 to the PlayStation 3. Why? Because I prefer the controller. That's got nothing to do with framerate or resolution.

One of the best PC games ever made is Sid Meier's Colonization. A big part of that is the way it simulates the great unknown: as you venture westwards, unless you're playing on the boring "real" map, you're truly venturing into the great unknown.

Brian, you are being far too kind by blurring out these people's twitter names.

"A download code off the shelf"? As in you put in the disc as mostly a technicality and treats it like every game was a digital download? Alright. That's mostly what I've been expecting. No "caching voodoo" on the XOne, then.

Hope so. Ugh. I take nothing for granted in this industry after the endless viral FUD versus PR versus rare elusive facts that we've been desperately trying to sort out all year, is all.

This immediately concerns me. Is Sony asking that this be put on all cases just to avoid confusion people had with the original XOne? Or is it put there by Activision to differentiate it with other games they put out?

Sony, notably, alternates between calling this a "mandatory install" and "caching", the latter term allowing for the possibility that the data may not have to stay on your hard drive. That could mean that games won't hog as much space and will delete themselves if/when the system clears its cache. We'll see.

Yeah. No.

Nintendo has been pissed that Apple and Microsoft don't use any kind of basic reasoning when it comes to clones of their games showing up on those stores and don't remove them, so this might be a little bit of a "screw you" back at them.

As terrifyingly odd as this feels to say, it's has potential in terms of an oldschool turn-based JRPG. Is this supposed to be some kind of meta trolling against the target audience of the game?

Example: the press release announcing the game wasn't sent out until the day after it had already hit online stores!

Or, you know, some people might actually not like it.

Won't happen. Target isn't changing the retail price (which they have to obey within certain limits in the US at least), it's tossing up a gimmick. They'll eat the loss each time someone does this deal.

Now now, no need to get all 480 pixel 4:3 ratio types of cruel up in here! Titanfall is slated to be 720p on the X1. The 360? I'm hoping 540 wouldn't be hard but that's probably best not to think about.