Shush! I'm pretending that'll never happen! How dare you be logical about it!
Shush! I'm pretending that'll never happen! How dare you be logical about it!
I agree entirely on the trigger finger and the DS4 looks to remedy it, but I'll toss in a personal story. So I love me my racers. GT and the F1 series generally and if you want to go through a full-length feature race you're talking about a 2 hour investment (note: no longer an issue with race save/continue). Long…
I can't begin to estimate how much money on ammo people have wasted doing this to me. Sadly, I think some of them think I'm hacking and they don't know that mode exists. You'd think they'd get the point that I'm not interested in fighting given I can't pull out a weapon and I'm walking away.
Perhaps I've run into you randomly! Someone did this to me last week and inspired me to pony up the $25k for bulletproof tires. Makes escapes during missions noticeably easier, too, for what it's worth. Totally worth the money.
Extremely interested in smacking you in the face. Hard.
You've run into the "why not have both?" problem V has. Yes, it's the most expansive and overall most detailed overworld. Stuff is simply gorgeous and it's clear a whole lot of effort has been spent on specific things. Sadly, below the overworld mask there's just nothing.
The original games in the series took the name for this reason because the primary "gimmick" game mechanic that stood out was being able to walk up to any car and steal it. The gameplay revolved around what you would do with vehicles.
Agree entirely on the "fun" angle. I finished the IV story and thought "okay, I want to engage in shenanigans. Where are the shenanigans?" ...They just weren't there.
The problem is asking people to pay $500 for a new piece of hardware—8 years after the previous version—To play the same native resolution in their games. That's just absurd.
This is something oft-forgotten. HD-DVD may never have had what looked like some kind of edge in that format war but in 2006-7 it was a media format that got actual retail releases.
Came here to post this. Thank you.
I really don't want to sound like "that guy" who is all sensitive about the topic, but I just wanted to say that a pray I never see a[n accidental] political clickbait article on Kotaku ever again. It's only clickbait coincidentally since it wasn't written with the intent to start any arguing.
For their part, online retailer Amazon has said that they'll honor Watch Dogs bundle preorders, though they haven't said if customers who preordered bundles will just get their consoles, or if they'll get the console along with some sort of voucher or substitute game.
This place needs a webcam of some sort. And/Or a YouTube channel of adorable clips.
A patch, or something needed to make the game work at all? Day 1 patches are normal but I know the Forza download is the bulk of the game content. GT the same? Hrm, that's trouble since Sony has never put out a physical disc game that required an internet connection for basic functions.
On the bright side, it'll probably still have a free PS+ version when it comes out. Until at least late 2014 Sony is going to have to get creative and generous with the PS+ lineup.
Serves a possible practical purpose! A way to help authenticate something as official hardware? It'd be fairly obnoxious to replicate perfectly, though that's not going to stop any one.
Yeah, that's just it putting a mark on your location. The actual location are little blue marker things with the PS logo. Unless a regional piano supplier is a Sony retail outlet.
Tip: If you have a PS-branded Sony headset with a volume mix slider, moving it completely to "Game" mutes all player audio. Since you can't do this in the GUI for some damn reason it's single-handedly saved my sanity online.
This is why I usually keep away from online play entirely. Any game. I guess I'm just getting old since I sure as hell don't remember having that kind of vocabulary at such a young age, to say nothing of using any of it with overt malice. My parents would rightfully have grounded me indefinitely for a lot of this…