
Subsequent takeaway: he probably does this periodically. Narcissism ad infinitum.

just laughed out loud while my everyones-a-criminal boss walked by...but worth it

incorrect. theyre friendly suggestions, but for poor people they are ironclad

when i was in, i would point this out to other people and no one saw the humor in it

Nick Swardson, miami to NYC :)

“...desktops is because the hardware is the same.”

or get an RSI when trying to scroll on a jumbotron phone... but i hate pai so much that im actually okay with it, fuck him and his reeses mug

reposted it as a reply to him, but now kinja wont let me remove the original

pretty sure my engineering company isnt all pc’s. some talking points:

pretty sure my engineering company isnt all pc’s. some talking points:

sheeeeeit, i may be an (amateur) amateur radio guy, but this guys an amateur lawyer guy, i didnt even know they had those. i wonder if it would help hi—guess not.

its OOOOOONEE WORRRRRRD. ugh, painful

ironically, probably an equivalent amount of knees & feet being intentionally shoved into the back of your seat

first of all, assertion is healthy, and necessary in these times. aggression however, is not.

Is it...is it really YOU?! :D Damn do I miss you if it is.

logged in just to thank you for writing this, completely my stance