
people like this assclown are the reason why nyc storage units are only open 8hrs a day.

or a cut below...

yeah...like kanye

i concur, its just like an ex having a new s.o. a week later...that shit was in the works, theres overlap thats being swept under the rug

was it the first laptop they’ve ever owned in their life? how did they figure you owed them a new battery? they knew full well they were being a complete asshat

omg mafia wars was the best/worst

‘complete trash’ is pretty drastic, i disagree. some shit sucks, lots of shit is good, plus they’re working against the tide to bring better games to non-windows machines. i don’t like how some indie devs get iced out by them, and you’re entitled to your opinion but i heartily disagree

the problem also is that the military, especially the Army, continues to be willfully laughably antiquated in the way it does things, stuck in its ways and committed to inefficiency and afraid of change

so basically, USB-C is a connector, where-as USB 3.1/Thunderbolt 3 are separate protocols spoken through that same connection...amirite?

it clearly impaired his judgement, for starters...those sunglasses? really?

Flowers for Alderaan

pretty sure its Hilux

+10pts for hafta...which btw makes it obvious you have a 13 year old

hopefully it’d fare better than the Bandai Pippin (the first time Apple tried)

Exactly this. I'll be damned if I'm a fanboy of anything nonconceptual, but one concept I particularly enjoy is not working harder on making my tools work than working with my tools. That's really all there is to it.

hate to admit it but that's actually a damn good point

yeah deep space nine usually had that effect on me in particular

they don’t all mean it literally

this might be the best, most articulate reply I never expected. Thank you. It won’t stop ‘Diviance’ as clearly he’s impervious to all forms of information which he immediately will relegate into a category of conjecture of sorts. And if his haphazard trolling proves him to not know anything and to stand up for his

you forgot to say ‘slippery slope nonsense’ in this one.