
I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m not even interested in this guy’s car horn design.

Yeah, this is about what I expected.

If you can’t understand the difference between taking a nap on a hard surface and living for days / months without a real bed, you’re may be in luck, because the Trump administration is hiring!

This administration has done some awful things but we literally have concentration camps with kids who the government is arguing they have no responsibility for... It’s fucking disgusting and the blackest domestic stain on this country since firehoses in Alabama.

At what point does Dimensional Chess become Dementia Checkers?

Man, that guy is playing 15-dimensional chess, how are we supposed to beat someone thinking so far ahead of everyone else.

So who’s in charge of wheeling him down to the Arts & Crafts room now that Hope Hicks is gone?

Problem is, I live in Asia.... Sigh...

People will forgive you for being wrong, they will never forgive you for being right.

If you can’t tolerate my bigotry, YOU’RE the intolerant one!!!!!!!!11111!!1!!1!

Per your second paragraph, yes. People do get angriest when they don’t want to hear the truth about how they’re contributing to a hideous, genocidal situation to which they’re actively contributing but with which they don’t want to be associated because it will screw up their image.

Came here to say the same thing. Oh, they know they’re racist as fuck, they just don’t like being reminded of it, out loud, in front of the whole world like that. Their poor feefees.

I guess we know her description is accurate from all those hit dogs hollering.

Toyota: “You want green paint?”
People: “No, More power.”
Toyota: “No more power. Got it.”

Didn’t work out. What they should do is a BRZ Outback. MX-5s appear to come in only offroad height already...

Hopefully I am. But it’s a new creative team at the helm, so a change of tone - as indicated by this specially produced piece of media to promote the movie - isn’t out of the question.

Sprint was on the way out when they merged with Nextel and couldn’t support their network model.    The Wi-max failure wasn’t so much about Wi-max as that they only had frequencies that don’t penetrate walls to use with it.  I found exactly one place in the country where I could get inside high speed connections with

Sure, you can also subdivide it down to individual managers too, and particular peers who can be mentors or roadblocks.

The next one won't be space whales - it'll be them trying to figure out how to kill off Spock in the first 5 minutes so that they can fight somebody playing Christopher Lloyd.

I always try to drive wrecklessly. But not recklessly.