
run old Mac stuff. there’s a whole gaggle of people that are into nostalgic PowerPC programs like HyperCard and games and old music software

of the tons of options for emulating 16-bit and below games, the PSP remains my all time favorite

it’s a tv show not a Chick-Fil-A, they’re not going to ask if they could’ve made your marketing perception/experience better

you should know how to code at least as much as anything else. and before ye jest, the boy scouts have electronics and coding badges right next to their “start a fire” badges

you’re a bull-headed idiot if you honestly believe that.

the times are a-changin’, programming and being socially adept are no longer mutually exclusive, not by a long shot. you don’t have to be a brogrammer to have significantly advanced interpersonal skills, and dare i say it, charm and wit. i just don’t have those

fuckin’ right.

every damn day (work phone)...it's like playing baseball w/ a golf club

basically your best bet is to just find the keymaster-looking little Japanese guy that created him and interrogate him, informing him that youll leave him in a room with Lil Wayne on repeat for a week if he doesnt cooperate

dont you mean necromancer?

i get that you’re joking, but thats not quite how supercomputers work...

yeah it either has a lot of oooooooooooh’s or aaaaaaaah’s

Really, an HP? This reeks of pluggage

your ignorance as to the laws of physics is appalling.

Breathe by Prodigy. Yes, I eventually bought Fat of the Land bc burners didn't go down to $150 for like 2 more years, and because the entire album is actually pretty good. Got it from an AOL WaReZ room when i was 13...i was like "theres no way the ENTIRE song is 5mb" since i used to primarily work in WAV PCM. Then, I

that would be $$$$$$$$$$$$$ (as in, sweet, not as in expensive)

I read the first half of this in Ricky's voice from Trailer Park Boys

"this is all just a stopgap until PicoUSB comes out which will be the width of a human hair" quiz: who am I?

oh noez... you act like this is their first profane article ever. And besides, you'll still read stuff here, you're full of sugar honey iced tea

ok now it's starting to become obnoxious

he's just trying to sound like he knows what the next 'thing' is, he actually has no idea. 100% speculation. furthermore, I doubt he understands and probably even doesn't care how it will happen. Like those people who say "flying cars. I don't care, just do it. details, schmetails."