
You *couldve* won a Porsche

thats it. and the fbi didnt put that ugly logo, the OEM did

in my considerable experience, the brightest inventors & engineers are often not concerned in the least with aesthetics. that being said, a lot of devices thst do amazing things look like they were designed by a 70 year old man

That all depends on if Captain Hamster has a flight plan and transponders...and also maybe hamster food and his water bottle

i know its the navy, but launching that from that vessel seems fairly stupid from a purrly mathematical perspective. guaranteed stability is paramount when calculating trajectory and its not like you'd want even so much as a 'near miss' with that amount if power

great now i have to go watch that again

oh...theres not more? im sorry i was waiting for a punchline or something

uh, naysa does. and space too.

FIRST OF ALL, this is a 50 year old ongoing debate the likes of which most other science fantasy worlds could only dream of garnering enough interest to be involved in. What gumption you must have for thinking you can just write it off (see what I did) it up as a "daily article" type piece? I mean you can, but IMO

At •least• 3x

the feats of strength!!

also consider the financial extent of the damages done to systems on that plane, and carriers very possibly not so excited about shelling out said fundage.

licensing is going to happen, it has to. I cannot possibly see them not already currently working on that at this very moment

tired of today's shite, all boring and lumpy? introducing, futuristic shite


jesus I had no idea...officially retiring the concept of complaining about florida Augusts

THIS is what I thought of too. hell I bet it's exactamundo what the designer thought of.

oh they did, you just made the mistake of listening to the cashier tell you otherwise so he wouldn't look dumb

i don't know you but I would def buy you a beer for that

this reminds me of elysium