
People “like” to collect guns and shoot guns as a hobby. I know a guy who owns over $100K worth of firearms, but he operates them responsibly. Also, it costs about $30K+ to purchase a MP5, and even higher prices for other full automatic weapons.

I’ve tried. They bitch and moan about friends lists, or other features of steam they think are important. And i’m over here, like you, wondering what the big deal is.

I’m just here for the comments where someone tries to defend NOT installing a free client that doesn’t effect them in the least, and how I’m the idiot for not seeing “the truth”.

LeBatard is one of the most consistent, entertaining voices at ESPN. Suspending him would only confirm and reinforce everything he said. 

I’m feeling admiration for a sports talk host? What the shit is going on??

Ivanka is actually the perfect American representation. Being pretty, blonde, and white with a rich daddy will take you to the top of the country for free.

A Kardashian appropriating a culture they’re not part of to generate further profit for a family “brand” that is based solely on being famous because they’re famous?

...this is my shocked face.

One day, I will understand why this family continues to be a thing. I can understand people appreciating Kanye’s music (it’s

If hockey truly wants to grow beyond it’s niche status (and is serious about safety), they would get rid of this. It isn’t even that hard - just eject the participants and suspend repeat/egregious offenders, like every other sport. You do this in baseball, football, or basketball and you get more than 5 minutes of

Alright, I’m going to do my best to wade into a particularly tricky subject here without offending anyone. Wish me luck...

I mean yeah they are being ignored, by you.

he "read" the article but they keep deleting his reviews on Rotten Tomatoes so he's over here in his downtime because he's just that committed to the cause...

My right wing brother always trots out the “Equality of opportunity, not outcome. Martin Luthor King would be rolling in his grave as he wanted everyone to be equal” thing. Most recently when talking about affirmative action. I pointed to a few pro affirmative action quotes from MLK. King knew society wasn’t equal and

Unfortunately for the trolls, Captain Marvel is dedicated to a fallen airman, so hating the movie means they hate the troops. I don’t make the rules, I just enforce them.

Whenever I sit for a second and think about how many people must be spending however many hours of their lives in a coordinated plan to lower the average score on a film review website of a movie they haven’t seen, in a series they probably otherwise like, just because it has a woman in it… I mean, they do know

I am a white man who got his degree at an HBCU. This idiot’s actions do not in any way, shape of form represent in any way my experience.

There’s only one acceptable replacement for Sanders: The statue of Buddy Jesus.

Most white people don’t actively fight to eradicate inequality and injustice because they usually benefit in some

If she likes her job. And her employer likes being a hot-spot for (what we oldsters used to call) “jet set” type international high-rollers, maybe she was very, very smart not to blow up her job. Or her employer. Maybe she felt that privately pointing out “over the line” behavior to the guy who did it made more sense

If you read the article, you’d understand at least one reason why she didn’t immediately call the police.

I mean - when you look at how accusers are treated in these sorts of situations, it’s no surprise that many don’t choose to go level 10 right off the bat. Going behind the law and trying to keep it out of the media makes me think more that she wasn’t trying to make a big circus out of this situation, but just wanted