
Maybe, just maybe, if your country didn’t allow everyone - including this delusional kid - to wear a gun, shit like this wouldn’t happen. Without that gun on his hip, this probably ends with the kid getting some (well deserved) fines. Yeah, he was a fucking idiot, but that clearly isn’t yet a death penalty offence.

Karen Cruz

You think flight attendants are trained in how to subdue a person that is attempting to turn a champagne bottle into a weapon? I mean, come on. Do I wish the guy could have been handled more... peacefully? Of course. But I also don’t blame a flight attendant doing what is necessary to keep themselves safe.

I did not anticipate watching her take the stage meaning so much to me. Then I was crying. An actual fucking woman was making her VP victory speech. My DIL texted me that she was doing the same. This is the kind of me too we deserve. May there be many more.

While I’m happy Biden won I am terrified by the record number of people who voted for Trump after everything that’s happen.

Am I grateful that the minorities saved us from authoritarianism? Hell yes. Thank you. But shit’s got to change, this is so far beyond acceptable. I don’t how to start because my default is to

And the sad and horrifying thing to me is that the Hispanic voters delivered Florida to Trump on a platter, tied with a bow. Just absolutely astonishing to me that anyone who isn’t a lower class white male would buy into his bullshit.

I watched the trailer fully expecting to hate it and I still laughed despite myself. I will be streaming it when it drops.

A sense of humor? Ability to appreciate quality humor?

very grateful for something that might make the next month of growing anxiety and nausea slightly more tolerable.

I honestly don’t think there was anything she could say that everyone would find acceptable. She did point out that she listened and was ready to work on herself. The apologies themselves were acceptable. I just got the sense that she was still equivocating a little bit and pushing the whole thing into the past, and

I’m not excusing Ellen’s behaviour, especially in regard to race or gender.

However I don’t think it’s fair for people to expect her to be overly kind all the time. Doing a show like this and having to interact with hundreds of guests a year must be exhausting. Sometimes you just want to go to work, do your job, and

City folk. What did you expect.

Heretofore, let every Confederate monument be tagged with this Harroit gem: “. . . the memorial to white people getting their asses kicked.”

Putting aside all of the illegal and potentially treasonous things the president has done and that the GOP is desperate to defend him over, it’s easy to lose sight of how batshit insane it is for the president of the United States to treat American citizens like this. I mean, in a world where things mattered, we might

Why should we sit around and argue about how we are going to die

Nah it’s not the crushing student and medical debt, it’s definitely Greta that makes young people not buy cars as much.

Never mind specs. Let’s fix the design so people might actually buy it. Personally, I don’t have a big problem with the faceted look, but I cannot abide the teepee roofline. So:

My whole life I’ve wanted car companies to make their concept cars but they never do and I always wondered why. Well the comments show why, because people are full of crap. People say they want a futuristic car or something out of bladerunner. They say they want something unique but at the end of the day they buy a

“The trailers made it seem like it was forcibly “for women” rather than being a good movie with women in it.”

No they didn’t. You’ve managed to confirm your incel nature though. 

Bizzard has the right to curtail free speech in the interest in appeasing China. I will however no longer support Blizzard after 20 years of entertainment.