
I just finished watching the Season 1. This is not Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones, which makes it perfect!!!. Great performances by Henry Cavill, Anya Chalotra, Freya Allan and the rest of the cast. Great character development and story telling. Love the fight scenes and the world building. Never played the

The dude needs to look at this :)

Just watch “Chewing Gum” :) she is hilarious :D

Thank you for sharing. Great Story.

Dear Angela, how about you add information to this article with clarification on why she was wearing gloves, the fact that many other people wore gloves at the event because they were handling food, the fact there are pictures of her with kids not wearing gloves. How about instead of jumping on “false news” band wagon

Your comment ‘pervasive antisemitism in Poland’ is quite generalizing and forgets to mentioned that Poland has the highest number of people that saved Jewish people. You forget to mention that helping a Jewish person was punishable by death. The antisemitism wasn’t just a Poland problem. The Nazi doctrine didn’t start

Very good point, many times when people talk about the German Nazi concentration camps they forget to mention that besides Jews, there were thousands of Polish, Germans, Political prisoners, Roma, Gay, Russian, and other groups that died there. True it is not the same number as the Jewish people, and no disrespect to

Well considering that Western Allies themselves were in denial even after it was clearly stated by the Polish resistance of what was happening at the concentration camps I’m not surprised. You have to remember that assisting Jews was punishable by death. Many families (German, Polish, Austrian, Ukrainian,etc) died