
Unfortunately, we give cops extraordinary powers in the pursuit of crime. Don’t let him in the house and he breaks in claiming you were about to destroy evidence. Then he arrests you and you have - at best - massive inconvenience. Don’t give him the evidence and he tears up your entire house looking for it. Don’t give

If that couple were black, they would be dead.

This x1000. Good cops shouldn’t be afraid of cameras, they should insist on having functional body cams. If you’re doing that job correctly it’s just proof against false accusations.

If police officers were smart, and if they were willing and able to respect people’s civil rights, they’d always welcome cameras while doing their jobs. Any cop who tells people to stop recording them is a cop who considers it at least possible (if not probable) that s/he is going to do something of which s/he doesn’t

It feels a little bit like justice. We don’t see it often anymore in real life.

Obvious scum move from nVidia. This isn’t about transparency, it’s about forcing mid to smaller brands to go exclusive with them, and forcing big brands to consider the costs of building an entire new brand only to sell AMD cards.

“Guns aren’t the problem; the problem is violent video games.”

Token conservative here. I am absolutely appalled how the Republican party has sold it’s soul over the past year. Trump was bad, this is downright terrifying. How can the party claim to be the “Moral Majority” when they are backing a candidate who may be a serial child molester? It’s not like he took a couple free

Thank you for writing this. You have a beautiful family :)

WOW - I’m so appalled and sorry you had to experience this from a place that is supposed to love and accept unconditionally! Honestly I can’t imagine the same happening if this was reversed and you had adopted two “white” babies at an all black congregation. This just shows that we have soooo much further to go

I’m half black and I completely get it.

Your kids are freakin’ adorable and I’m glad that you found a welcoming church, AND I’m sorry that your former church comrades were garbage people.

This was beautiful. I hope your former congregants read this! The Evangelical church has become a vehicle for white supremacy, and more people need to speak about it.

Thank you, I loved reading this.