My incredulous grin slowly froze on my face as I gradually realized the author was sincerely outraged over a woman wearing gloves while serving food to immune-compromised children.
My incredulous grin slowly froze on my face as I gradually realized the author was sincerely outraged over a woman wearing gloves while serving food to immune-compromised children.
She’s also SERVING FOOD. Who doesn’t wear gloves when serving food in a public setting? We’re really at peak outrage when taking basic sanitary precautions has to have an ulterior motive.
I don’t understand the outrage at all. She was serving food and hanging out with immunocompromised children. I’d have done the same thing because I value their safety. I mean I’m probably carrying 100+ pathogens on my hands that are totally harmless to me but would kill them. Did the internet wake up on the wrong side…
So, I noticed the creative editing of her statement in the text of the article. Had you included the whole quote from the video, it would have included her talking about how the volunteers chose to wear the gloves while working with food (you know, that thing restaurants and cafeterias around the world do). I realize…
Now, for the record, I know nothing about Ms South Africa, and I’m certainly not an expert on HIV. But I seriously think this is ridiculous. My wife’s uncle, who died from HIV, was taken care of in part by her family. And when they were helping him with things, they had to wear gloves just to be cautious. It wasn’t an…
My guess is she was wearing gloves for their protection, not hers. Websites like this are the reason fake outrage and petty online revenge are still a thing. Take a little responsibility for what you’ve created. Every other article on Jezebel is designed to get people riled up and create buzz.
Because in 2017 a White South African won the contest as opposed to 2016 when a Black South African won. Should a minority never win the contest?
I work in a German Refugee Camp. I am NOT the Kitchen Personal. But if I have to help once in a while I also wear gloves. Not because I am afraid from the Refugees and dont want to touch a Syrien (Iranian, Serbian,... whatever dont care) Refugee. Its because I work with FOOD! Yes, If I give a small child a Bread I…
Even a tiny amount of research and looking at pictures of the event shows how ridiculous twitter’s response was. There were multiple black people wearing gloves in pictures with the black children, and many of the photos with her wearing gloves have been cropped to edit out children eating in the background.
It appears…
It’s evidently racist (LOL) to handle food with gloves now. The bottom of the barrel has been reached.
Everyone’s priorities are all sorts of screwed up right now. too much of the world right now is about feeling morally self-righteous and superior over others instead of finding ways to connect and celebrate good works like this--about feeling right over actually being right.
This is so pathetic, not only do you completely ignore the fact that she was handling food and there are pictures of her without the gloves but you direct your anger for someone doing something good for the community. If this is the biggest thing you have to get angry about then you are having a blessed day.
Aren’t people encouraged to wear gloves and masks around people with compromised immune systems so you don’t get them sick?
Peak Root right now with all this rage.
People wear gloves all the god dam motherfucking time when serving/handling food. Outrage for outrage sake is ridiculous and getting really fucking old.
That appears to be the case. Selective outrage. I’m waiting for someone to call her out for not trying hard enough when her father’s Sperm swam upstream, therefore not being “black” or “white” enough for other’s taste as a beauty parent participant.
Let me get this straight: people flip their shit if the motherfucker at Chipotle doesn’t wear gloves while preparing their burrito, but this woman gets shit on for wearing them while serving hungry kids? Do I have that right?
Ugh this is dumb. Unless she was wearing gloves start to finish, a couple photos out of context at an event where she was handing out food is not outrage worthy. There are all kinds of explanations ranging from she forgot to take them off to she wasn’t done handing out food to who the fuck cares?