
Soccer is a real sport. It’s also a really old sport. Soccer just needs an update to it’s rules. I still don’t know why they haven’t done that,

100% fucktard. On a holiday weekend, even!

As many, many others have stated, you simply can’t have endless OT in soccer. That doesn’t make it any less of a sport. However, I will kinda sorta agree with your later “guessy shoot” take. I do wish there was a little more goalie skill involved. From the distance at which penalties are taken, it is a complete guess

Hockey doesn't decide playoff games by penalty shots, so, yeah, your analogy is spot on. They play the game until someone wins the game with a team on the ice(field), no matter how long it takes.

It’s a real sport.

Soccer is a sport that has been played for generations. basketball is a gym class game designed to keep schoolkids running around indoors without hurting themselves during shitty New England winters.

That would be applicable except for the fact each team are only allowed three subs. Oh, and there’s only a short break here or there.

Penalties take strategy and execution. Free merely take muscle memory. Penalties are incrwdibly more difficult ya boob

Let’s fix this. Pretend that nba finals was twice as long. Then they played a mandatory 30 more minutes of overtime. And the court was twice as big. And you only could substitute 3 players for the entire 2 hours. And there was only one stoppage and not 5 time outs per half plus tv time outs and intermissions. So

Imagine if NBA players had to play 90 minutes with one 15 minute break, no time-outs, and no rotation. Now tell me with a straight face that Basketball has any athletes.

Soccer is a real sport. Thanks.

Dude... they play 30 minutes of overtime in these games. Two 15 minute periods. If after those extra periods the game is still tied, on top of 90 minutes of regulation play, they do penalties. It’s happened a bunch of times already in this tournament. You’re mistaken/ignorant/making things up and have

Well, I’m not going to fight 2 billion soccer fans about whether it’s a sport or not. You do it, I’ll wait here.

But there was an overtime, bruh. Two, in fact.

I mean, what’s the alternative? At some point the game just has to fucking end and if you can’t pull ahead in 2 hours worth of regular play I say bring on the fucking penalties. They’re only ever used in tournaments anyway. In league play the team with the best record overall wins, why does it make sense for Cleveland

Except that football players have been running around for 120 minutes of playing time and about 10 miles of distance on average before going to penalties, while a basketball game ends after 48 minutes of playing time and a much shorter running distance.

So why are some players way better at penalties than other players if it’s just luck and guessing?

One of these sports allows unlimited substitutions for players to rest during regulation and overtime (not to mention time outs and commercial breaks as well). The other sport does not.

So in the beginning of the article it says: "250,000 Jews, Slavs, and Romani" were executed at the camp, but later in the article it says that "The heavy concentration of ashes led him to estimate that far more than 250,000 Jews were actually killed at Sobibor."