They’re just upset that he’s a man of wealth and taste. He’s been around for long, long years and he’s stolen many a man’s soul and faith. I mean, he was around when Jesus Christ had his moments of doubt and pain. Didn’t you know he made damn sure that Pilate washed his hands and sealed his fate.
Well, this is just delightful.
That’s so insulting to terriers, cocker spaniels and shih tzus though. Those are all adorable breeds!
My nanna has sherry on her daily prescriptions sheet. She is hello dementia ridden, but she never forgets about her sherry. I only hope for that to be a thing when I go into a home someday
In the event I live to be 110 (which seems like an awful and unnecessary thing to do) I’m gonna carry a knife with me so I can stab the first person who vapidly demands that I tell them the secret to my long life. This reporter acting like the lady lived 110 years just for our entertainment or something.
Oh man... this is painful to watch. Leave the lady alone.
It’s her disapproving, “They won’t stay” that got me. It’s like a metaphor to her, I think—you can tell by her expression that phrase was about something far deeper than the observation that the flowers would probably fall from her lap.
“Get that mic out of my fucking face. Take the g-damned flowers off my lap. I’m going to wipe that stupid smile off your stupid fucking face. And if you talk to me like I’m a 3 year old for another second, I may see 111 but you won’t see tomorrow”
If there is any kindness in the world, 90%.
Flossie holds the sadness of the world.
Is she goat worthy?
I’ve found my soulmate.
I literally found this post, because I saw that you guys used “dill spill” on that article about Ansel and I NEEDED to know wtf it meant bahah and a Google search brought me here... I think it’s getting some traction, going to blow up soon in a big way!
Possibly a stupid question: why is Jean Luc Picard/Xavier (i.e. Patrick Stewart) pictured instead of Gandalf/Magneto (i.e. Ian McKellan)?
And how 99% of the job on a movie like Star Wars or Black Panther isn’t working with actors, guiding and developing characters and performances, it’s waiting to pass safety inspections before every take, working with people from the numerous special effects departments so that what you do now will work with models and…
What is Star Wars? Never heard of it.