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    So the entire planet is getting tipsy. This explains a lot.

    Non sequitur;

    If I get to 110 I will have a morphine / whiskey IV twenty four seven and will curse the heavens upon waking.

    When you reach the age of 110 you gain the ability to kill people with your mind. I’m amazed these reporters are still alive.

    Thanks love, hope your holidays are great as well.

    It’s a meme crafted to express a lack of understanding of source material.


    Is there a side here?

    I like the fact that the people behind the Star Wars sequels are aware of the cultural landscape and are attempting to be more inclusive in terms of casting and directorial considerations. I also like the fact that Ava has a specific artistic vision that is important to her and her audience. So maybe good on both of

    You know, he only exists in this reality if you look directly at him.

    This is phantastic news.

    This was the best episode of Arrow ever for one simple reason;

    Well, I’ve got to hand it to you?

    Don’t fall for it. His soul is comprised of quicksand.

    I kind of get the feeling that Merlin is everywhere now. I love the idea that he will just materialize out of no where, drop some exposition, and vanish. Like when Oliver is doing the laundry. “Malcolm what are you doing here?” “You forgot to add the fabric softener.”



    Feel the savings on stationary flow through you.