Surly Buddha

THEY were assholes?!?!?!?!?

Ironically, he doesn’t have a place where the sun don’t shine anymore.

That’s cute that you think young “Democrats” are responsible for this nonsense. Loving all the Kamala post mortems today when all you did was shit on her.

Honey, you can insult what you think my politics are all day long, but only one of us is the one who is supporting Fox News and the Alt-Right’s favorite Democrat. I’m quite confident in my progressive bonafides and don’t need the approval of someone who supports the only Democrat candidate who has received the seal

We got a Tucker Carlson stan up in here.

I understand that he’s a filmmaker, he considers himself an auteur (and rightly so) and that he wants his movies to be enjoyed a certain way. But he’s also a filmmaker who made a 3 1/2 hour-long movie financed by Netflix. His film isn’t screening in the great movie houses. It’s screening in living rooms and other

This is such a deliciously petty troll. lol

Well, Buttigieg is far more popular among Democrats than she is, but let’s turn it around. Let’s assume Buttigieg was running a campaign that was outwardly contemptuous toward the entire Democratic Party, do you think small town mayor guy claiming to be a Democrat but who can’t stand Democrats would have made the

Hell, Tulsi Gabbard is still on the stage. Is anybody honestly going to try to argue that she’s more prepared to be president than Buttigieg. I mean, I know that a segment of the far left adores her, but they’re the type that remind you that the spectrum from left to right is not a straight line, but one that bends to

Ok, boomer.

I would imagine Semenya would be offended by being compared to a trans woman

Your agenda is homophobia. Al Sharpton's agenda seems to be enjoying lots of free food at Sylvia's

Why would he back down from being right?

Me too, I HATE the flash-forwards! They are really unnecessary. They are a distraction for me, especially when the present story of this season has been quite fun.

When people go in like this I’m of two minds:

Any chance they’re both right in that Gabbard is being groomed as a Russian asset AND Clinton is the embodiment of systematic rot within the Democratic party machine? One is...possible and she’s done things that would make most Democrats scratch their heads (Gabbard) and the other is definitely a HUGE part of the

And you just know Tulsi is going to run as a third party candidate in the general. You just know it. I can’t wait to hear her terrible justifications for doing exactly what a Russian mole would do, all the while trying to shed the image that she’s a Russian mole.

Every movie you censor and send China’s way is a movie that tells the populace the system is working and that the CCP is NOT doing damage to art/freedom of expression. Because what you’re basically saying is: ‘Sure, censor away, this work of art never actually needed all those adult/objectionable/subversive scenes

I actually think that’s a film that’s aged... interestingly. For a while, it aged poorly... it’s a movie where a straight guy turns a lesbian straight. But I think it’s aged right back to actually interesting, providing an example of sexual/romantic fluidity. We have a woman who identifies as lesbian who begins dating