I honestly cannot tell the difference between the PS4/PS5 versions of HFW. We’re past “diminishing returns” for me, and solidly in “Emperor’s New Clothes” territory.
I honestly cannot tell the difference between the PS4/PS5 versions of HFW. We’re past “diminishing returns” for me, and solidly in “Emperor’s New Clothes” territory.
*Spoilers, I guess, for a 20 year old game series*
Dude was 50. Could have just as easily been a heart attack. Or a heart attack brought on by drug use. There’s just too many variables to make this anything other than a guessing game at this time.
What the hell are you smoking? Biden was literally the head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. His foreign policy experience is THE reason he was chosen as Obama’s running mate.
Katie Hill? Really? She may have been unfairly slimed by her ex, but that doesn’t change the fact that she slept with a campaign aide. If it was a man doing that, you’d be screaming for his blood.
It’s almost like this show is a sham for a bunch of wannabe actors to get their face into the spotlight for a few months, and nothing else.
Eternal Sunshine is a terrible, overhyped movie.
I sometimes wonder if I’m getting more conservative as I get older (as the cliche goes), and then shit like this makes me wonder if I just find modern progressives so utterly fucking reprehensible that I want nothing to do with them.
You know, people keep saying this, but I’ve been watching him since before the first debate, and he really hasn’t changed shit. This is just another big lie you haters keep telling yourselves to justify the blistering homophobic hatred coming from your side.
“Shadow republican”?
Not that I disagree this was profoundly silly and stupid of a development, but isn’t that essentially what happened with Hugh? His intense individuality after his experience on the Enterprise essentially broke the local Borg node he was a part of, and they were separated from the collective to protect the greater…
I’m sure the rapist and Russian puppet appreciates her silence.
I’ve never liked that quote.
It’s a grand jury that she had immunity from, not some trumped up charges she had no choice but to face. She literally did this to herself, just to protect Assange. I have zero sympathy for her.
I live in Oregon, so I’m in the same boat. I didn’t vote for Hillary in 2016 because I’m in one of the few places in the country that was guaranteed to not go to Trump. Downticket doesn’t really mean much either, since both my senators and Rep are all Dem.
That’s what keeps boggling my mind. Bro after Bro keeps talking about how Sanders is the only one who can save us from Trump. But he can’t even win an election against two deeply problematic politicians.
That’s what the general is for; something that Biden should start focusing on now that Bernie has zero chance of winning. Instead, his focus is going to be on Bernie’s vanity tantrum.
To this day, my wife and I respond anytime we hear somebody (or a show) say “greater good” with the same monotone call-and-response from Hot Fuzz.
I’ve always been curious about that silver trimmed promo shot. I don’t remember those costumes showing up in the movie AT ALL. I don’t care to go back and watch to movie to confirm, but did they make a set of costumes just for a photo shoot?
My father went to work every day, often drunk, for decades and nobody could even tell he had a problem. He also got DUIIs and wrecked his car when he was particularly bad, and managed to ruin 4 marriages. Not everybody is a sloppy drunken mess 100% of the time.