Surly Buddha

Outdoor showers aren’t some weird old-timey thing, as long as you’ve got a climate for it. My father-in-law built one for his retirement house in Hawaii. Like, two years ago.

G/O media doesn’t want to talk about why Bernie failed, because Bernie can’t fail.  Bernie can only BE failed.

Or maybe Bernie is just as deeply unlikable to a huge percentage of the Dem electorate, as Biden is to Bernie supporters.

You might want to check your numbers there chief, because he was leading by double digits in 6 out of the 10 states he won last night.

This is true. Warren is my #1 choice (actually #2, but Harris dropped out), and I’m actively considering not voting for Bernie if he nabs the nomination.

Even 30 years seems awfully steep for fraud charges.

Every single candidate (including Buttigieg) beats Trump in a head-to-head!  There is no “wrong candidate!”  

You people have been demanding Pete and Amy drop out for weeks.  Now that it’s finally happened, suddenly it’s a conspiracy by the DNC.  There’s no winning with you paranoid nutjobs.

Hey genius, MCFA doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of passing in the senate, even if Saint Bernie is sitting in the POTUS seat.  Single issue voters like you are so myopic, you’re doing just as much damage as the average Trump voter.

Every time they try to implement ranked choice voting here, it’s inevitably a cynical power grab by one of the parties that could potentially result in the two people running during the general being from the same party.  Say what you will about the current system, but at least it doesn’t run the risk of me choosing

It amazes me the lengths you Bernie die-hards go to claim Pete didn’t win Iowa.  You’re just as bad as Trump supporters; if reality doesn’t support you, just deny it!

While I have zero sympathy for Weinstein, I can’t help but wonder what this article would look like if it was a black man with high blood pressure and chest palpitations, and they just shipped his ass off to Rikers anyway?

As long as they’re not $200 figures, I’m not really seeing the problem.  They look fine to me.

These really just seem like bad attempts at dad-jokes by a guy with zero sense of humor or timing.

A reminder that Cardi B is literally a gang member.

Based on comments, I appear to be the only person that actually kinda digs this costume.  I’m actually enjoying the stripped down tactical look, rather than the overly manufactured design that every other costume usually goes for.

Uncanny valley specifically refers to human-like robots.  I think by definition, non-human creatures CAN’T fall into the uncanny valley because our minds won’t recoil from them.

Uh, I’m gonna cross nerd streams here for a second, but there was an argument a few years ago being made due to Americans assuming anime characters were white due to their appearances. The argument stated that this assumption was explicitly and factually wrong (unless a character was explicitly stated to be

It’s been a few years since I’ve played the game, but I don’t remember reading Ellie as quite this fatalistic.

While the only person I actively dislike on the stage more than Klobuchar was Bloomberg, I don’t disagree with this assessment.