Surly Buddha

I dislike him on a fundamental level, and hate everything he’s doing to just buy his way into the race.  But even he would be better than Trump if it came down to it.  Is he a racist piece of shit?  Yep.  Is he a lying scumbag that will distort his history to get what he wants?  Yep.  But as far as I can tell, he’s

It’s hard to say without a look at the ears, but the high cheeks on the cowl give me an OG suit vibe.

Nope. I was never going to see this movie. Good try though.

I don’t generally like the “turn off your brain” argument. There’s merit in calling out somebody’s laziness resulting in a mediocre movie, because they just couldn’t be fucking BOTHERED to turn in anything better.

Mediocre is fine. Mediocre is allowed to exist. Except on the AV Club.

Nothing pisses me off like individual web sites that have fucking apps.  No Cracked, I don’t want to download your goddamn app, I think I’ll just visit the goddamn URL thank you very fucking much.

On the other hand, if they’d aimed this at 30-year-olds, waves of clueless parents who’d never heard of Sonic would have still taken their kids to it just for a moment of peace.  So really, it makes sense to just make it a kid’s movie.

While I never expected this movie to be good, I think AV Club reviews have officially crossed a line of cynicism to a point where they’re no longer helpful. They’re just the hipster at the bar, shitting on everything, even when it’s pretty enjoyable on its own terms.

From what I’ve heard, the “popular vote” that Bernie is reporting he won is also from the first round of caucusing, and doesn’t reflect the final round of voting.  Color me not shocked that he’s being this dishonest about his performance.

Really? You don’t understand how the centrist with zero charisma, who keeps telling us about all the things we CAN’T do, and comes into the race with the baggage of ABUSING her staff isn’t doing better?

I’m really surprised how many people are saying they don’t like this show solely because Starfleet has turned isolationist and militaristic.  I appreciate that Star Trek has always SAID that those were the ideals, but going back to TOS, they were clearly not put into practice 100% of the time.  This show just has the

God, I really enjoyed what they did with that game. I wish it had been received better, and gotten a couple sequels.  The fighting in particular was really fun.

This is the correct answer.

As a parent, this sounds like an absolute nightmare in every possible way.  Losing my kid feels like it would be the ultimate “life isn’t worth living anymore” horror show.  But then to resurrect him as some digital golem for me to paw at for a few minutes would just be rubbing salt into the wounds.

The costuming department should have been goddamn ashamed by that disco vomit version of Dr. Light they half-assed.  I was embarrassed just looking at her.

Go back to 4chan

Even if it was a stupid move, I’m finding it hard to blame Congress for making that move, considering the drumbeat for BLOOD AND WAR that progressives were beating for months last year. Today’s outcome was NEVER in question, but if we didn’t impeach him, you can be damn sure the left wing would have considered it a

I don’t disagree with you, but sexual assault is a hard needle to thread.  And let’s not kid ourselves here, this scene was sexual assault.

It’s not like they ACTUALLY filmed her without her consent.  

Now, good day to you sir!