Too late, you’re in checkmate.
Too late, you’re in checkmate.
Checkmate, nerd.
For years I’ve found the SB ads really lacking. I can’t figure out if they’ve just gotten worse, or if my standards were just so much lower when I was younger.
You say error, but reading the entire page, it seems pretty damn clear the original intention was for them to be members. Hence, the production diary and Federation logo on a Klingon bridge. But it was then retconned, but really only in a half-assed way, which leaves A LOT of wiggle room.
I really don’t get pieces like this. Abrams is basically Beto 2.0. She’s a failure of a state level politician who got a taste of national fame for 15 minutes, and now she thinks the world owes her the top spot without her putting in the work.
Yeah, the Vulcans and the Klingons alone deciding to fuck off would have galaxy shattering ramifications, and you still have 12 other species to pick from.
Also, some “trolling online” is totally equivalent to hacking, and meddling in our elections.
A cold open is a real term that describes a genuine story telling method. It was just used incorrectly here.
To be fair, it’s not without precedence. The Department of Homeland Security was rumored to exist for years before it was officially “created” in 2002.
Tasha also died quite early in Picard’s tenure aboard the Enterprise, so it wouldn’t have had the same impact as losing Data 16 years later (thanks Wikipedia!)
I’m marking it up to Data being the only (longstanding) bridge crew officer he ever lost. He lost Yar, but that was quite early in his tenure aboard Enterprise.
I’m not happy with Murkowski’s vote any more than the next person, but they needed 51 votes to call witnesses. 50 votes would have just allowed Roberts to intervene, which was UNLIKELY. Which means this vote hasn’t actually changed the procedure.
I offered to drive home, since I felt fine. My mom declined the offer for some insane reason.
If I had to choose between the two, I’d choose Trevorrow every time. Jurrassic World may have been aggressively mediocre, but Trevorrow hasn’t done a ton of movies that big, and the possibility still exists that he could turn in something good. Abrams has a history of “blockbuster” movies, and he’s proven beyond a…
WHY. WHY ON GOD’S GREEN EARTH. WOULD YOU GO BACK TO THE DEATHSTROKES WELL??? We’ve had one and a half? Two? seasons of this bland, meandering, uninteresting side-plot of arrow. The status quo has been magically wiped away by the cross over, now you’re free to set your new pilot up for any big bad you can dream up. But…
Oh, you found one of the bad reviews, and that stands representative for all her reviews?
My wife is 25% mexican, but looks completely white. Yet she still feels a profound connection and pull to that culture. God knows how many “progressives” would accuse her of appropriation if they saw our ofrenda during the day of the dead.
If only there was a way to write about things that didn’t actually happen that we haven’t actually experienced ourselves. Who knows what literature would look like with this hypothetical genre.