You know, I’m less than thrilled that Joe Biden is running for president.
You know, I’m less than thrilled that Joe Biden is running for president.
With this kind of hostile treatment from Splinter, you’d think Biden had a heart attack and concealed it for three days or something. Oh wait.
I don’t think you and I agree on what ageism is. I think it’s making assumptions about a person based on their age alone. That’s not what’s happening here. Sanders and Biden have or are experiencing health issues (heart and dementia, respectively) that would be concerning in men in their 40s. The degree to which age…
Bernie Sanders literally had a heart attack the other day... But yep, Biden, he’s the unhealthy unfit one...
“Bernie Sanders is recovering after experiencing chest discomfort having a heart attack and having two stents placed heart surgery to treat an artery blockage.”
“The issue is not whether something is offensive”
Yes it is, because offense is EXACTLY AS SUBJECTIVE AS HUMOR.
“In response to this director’s comment that pop culture is too sensitive these days, here’s an snarky, backhanded screed about how offended we are by his remarks.”
His job was not to, “do all he could do”. His job was to investigate two specific questions. And he did that very thoroughly and very well. There is absolutely no credible evidence that would lead someone to conclude that Muller’s investigation was affected in any way by his own personal political beliefs.
There’s only one thing I disagree with that you said. You called this the “Star Wars Effect”. I see this more as the “Witcher Effect” instead. A game that’s not bad but comes with many MANY flaws, but for whatever reason you are absolutely NOT ALLOWED to criticize in any conceivable way. The fanbase becomes extremely…
At the very least it was indistinguishable from normal conservative talking points. At best he’s an idiot who is really bad at justifying his movie and makes really weird excuses rather than just explain that just because the protagonist of the movie does horrible things doesn’t mean the movie itself condones. The fact…
Isn’t “don’t snitch” exactly what every pedophile ever said to their victims?
Yeah, how dare the theatre where a guy dressed as the Joker massacred a bunch of children not want to show a movie about the Joker? Fucken SJWs, am I right?
said Mike Murphy, a Republican strategist who sat shotgun on McCain’s 2000 campaign bus tour.
This entire post is just presenting the opinion of an old Republican operative as fact, which is an incredibly weird thing for a liberal website to do.
“Buttigieg isn’t a “let his hair down and vamp kind of candidate,” said Mike Murphy, a Republican strategist who sat shotgun on McCain’s 2000 campaign bus tour.”
Hmm... do I give a shit about what a Republican strategist thinks and I’m not even going to grace the response with the dignity of its own separate sentence…
it’s astonishing because compared to 2008, 2016 might as well have been an episode of Teletubbies. as a reminder, in 2008 the Clinton party line was that all Obama Boys were a bunch of misogynist rapists-in-waiting following the orders of a secret muslim who ate dogs, and Clinton needed to stay in the race in case…
Is a 6th place in the Iowa Caucus even possible, as a practical matter? According to caucus rules, if a candidate doesn’t have 15% of the vote in an initial caucus process, they’re deemed not-viable and dropped from the process before the second round of caucusing.
Oh fuck, it ain´t.
A bunch of rave reviews gave me hope for Gravity too but it was a piece of shit