Surly Buddha

“Ban the sale of flavored e-cigarettes”

Lol this fucking country. 

As Kurt Vonnegut said, we must be careful who we pretend to be.

Really - I saw the mini for the first time right before Chapter 1 of this adaptation, and was just blown away by Tim Curry. Even though I knew how great he was in general, he was good almost beyond words in this - I was expecting him to be, you know, menacing and creepy and all those things, but somehow I wasn’t

Or YOU just have bad taste.

On Junior’s last birthday, Trump sent him a card that read, in primitive Sharpie scrawl,

I interpret that as more “say whatever you want about politics around the event, just do it AFTER you praise the guys who actually died in the attack” more than “CONNECT THIS TO CLINTON!!!”.

How fucking hard is it not to say this stuff? Grown-ass adults on the internet still calling people “faggot,” “retarded,” “autistic,” “or worse. I get it if you’re 13 and still don’t know any better, or you’re in your stupid edgy teenager phase. But you’re not. Grow the fuck up.

Calm down. His eye is bloodshot. Jesus...

Except when it actually was just “the big three” shows were often given time to develop an audience.  Cheers is the classic example of a show which took IIRC two or three seasons to really develop into a monster hit.  It’s only really been since the tv universe has fragmented that they’ve become so cutthroat tht shows

Sorry. I didn't realize you have a learning disability. My bad.

Oh. You’re an imbecile. My bad.

Except it was Harris’ job to enforce the laws on the books. Harris was the DA, not a scientist researching the potential helpful effects of cannabis. But you do, keep stanning for a crystal healer.

I don’t get the misguided love this person got over some wonderfully timed platitudes. Her mindless vaccine takes and bullshit pseudoscience background are more than enough to dismiss her as a cuckoo for cocoa puffs numpty head who fooled more people than I thought possible.

So Krag is your real name?

Blame It on the Rain

Monopolies are the natural outcome of unregulated capitalism. To separate the two is naive. We’ve seen this before in the early 20th century and increasingly again lately.

Hey dummy, you don’t even know what an “ad hominem” is, so don’t boast about your use of big words. I didn’t even call you a dummy the first time — though I am now, since you’ve given me cause — but an “ad hominem” attack isn’t name-calling, it’s attempting to discredit an argument by bringing up irrelevant aspects of

Sorry, I can't, I have to take up the slack left by you, since you don't seem to be doing a good job when all you do is insult everyone who doesn't agree with you on every single thing 100%.
If anyone is doing a shitty job it's you because you seem to want to drive people away that might be on your side. Instead you

"Privileged"? LMAO! Being offended over a cartoon is the epitome of First World Problem privileges. This isn't an AIDS epidemic in Africa or starving children. Those are actual problems. This is a bored society of keyboard activists yearning for a "cause".