Surly Buddha

The weirdest thing about this is why they cost $621.

The last section there about being beaten until your dead inside but still alive is something that I can attest to being a really cool and freeing thing. Felt like everything was taken from me, had no pride, no happiness, nothing and it was the day I just, I was at the bottom... I woke up the next day after losing out

The problem is, your exact language was "If you like Zelda but ... have never played Dynasty Warriors, you may want to avoid this game."

It's really hard to judge whether someone is acting against medical advice with good reason without having access to their personal medical records, which obviously we're not entitled to here. But after having a shocking number of friends post on Facebook that they're not vaccinating their children because they've

Not to defend the MRA clusterfuckbrains on the other article, but Jezebel did say (in their original reporting on the article):

I'm not really a friend of the non-Celiac gluten-free types (I appreciate that they made it easier for my friend with Celiac to get affordable, tasty food, and that's it), but 37 seems like a pretty small sample size. Anyone with experience in this kind of study know if that's normal or not?

Not much record of domestic cats mauling kids to death and trying to drag them away, so...yeah.

Every story of cat doing something ever:

Considering it used to be French a few centuries back as a standard of scientific and economic communication, before that it was Greek (Byzantines), etc.

I wouldn't be surprised if it shifts again in another couple of generation.

As I said elsewhere, if she's worth a headline, she's worth an accompanying photo.

I noticed that too.

And also included a huge plot point about how if your girlfriend's sexual past bothers you, the problem is you, not her. Kevin Smith has been thinking about women as masters of their own sexual agency since the start of his career. He's made them protagonists, villains, non-love interest secondary characters, and god.