Surly Buddha

Those “cruel Obama era deportation policies” were a redefinition of what constituted a deportation. The ACTUAL number of people sent back to their country of origin was actually drastically down from Bush’s administration. But hey, can’t have intellectual honesty or journalistic integrity get in the way of smearing

It’s not.  I have no clue how far it’s spread, but I’ve never heard it before, and I live in Oregon.

I can’t wait for the next Democratic president in 2021 (or even god forbid, 2025 in some worst timeline shenanigans), and they’re going around the world, trying to repair some of the damage that Trump has done, and Fox just calls it another apology tour.

What do you call Arkham Knight then? 4 years ago, this place was full of people convincing themselves that the batmobile sections really worked. Now, most people have acknowledged that while Knight was “okay,Arkham City was the better game.

Yeah, it’s amazing the length the Sanders campaign and the media are collaborating to pretend this wasn’t a goddamn heart attack.  For a 78 year old man running for the most stressful job in the world.

I’ll admit, I didn’t clue into it until someone mentioned that it was a bit. But it would make more sense. Joaquin has a history taking stuff like this to such a point where even the audience isn’t even in on the joke. And it would make more sense than Kimmel just blind siding him with an outtake, PROVIDED BY

I’m shocked, ABSOLUTELY SHOCKED that Splinter hasn’t posted a single thing about God Lord Emperor Bernie having a heart attack yet. It’s absolute crickets over there about a very real news story.

I’m shocked, ABSOLUTELY SHOCKED that Splinter hasn’t posted a single thing about God Lord Emperor Bernie having a heart attack yet. It’s absolute crickets over there about a very real news story.

Huh. I just checked Oregon, and it’s not accurate there either. Here I thought it was just disingenuous bullshit, when it’s actually fake news as well.

She seems particularly offended that he’s not sufficiently offended by racial slurs. Which is... weird.

I don’t get it either.  For someone that doesn’t pose any kind of serious threat to Splinter’s God Lord Emperor Bernie, Splinter spends a strange amount of time attacking Buttigieg.

Which is weird, because toward the end of his 8 years, even Bush II had an approval rating somewhere around 20%.

While playing this level, I couldn’t stop thinking that I was fighting and killing their genetically engineered slave class.

Jacob Wohl is the whistleblower! This is a false flag to draw attention away from himself! Get the word out!

I was a latecomer to the Witcher, so I haven’t seen any of this rabid fan base.  That said, while I quite enjoyed it, I can ABSOLUTELY see why somebody wouldn’t enjoy it, and would be turned off by some of the choices CDPR made.  So this seems like a fair comparison.

I read multiple reviews, bought the fucking game, and played dozens of hours. How more “open” do I need to be? Or maybe your blind devotion to defending your purchase is the real problem here.

Like I said, Star Wars effect.  When I spent 15 out of 20 hours just riding my goddamn horse between locations, the gameplay loop has been seriously skewed.

Hasn’t he also been fairly thin for a while now? This is unconventional casting, but I can definitely see it. Especially if they take Riddler in an incel/redpill direction, instead of going a “smartest man in the room” route.

I mean, even the reviews that praise it talk about how slow and plodding it is compared to the first one.

Nah. I didn’t even finish it because I was so disappointed by the game. The first one was so much better in every conceivable way. The story moved faster, the action was better, you weren’t made of tissue paper.