To a certain degree, that’s true. If I claim Hawaii was the 49th state, but it was actually the 50th, was I lying, or was I just mistaken and got the order of Hawaii and Alaska mixed up?
To a certain degree, that’s true. If I claim Hawaii was the 49th state, but it was actually the 50th, was I lying, or was I just mistaken and got the order of Hawaii and Alaska mixed up?
Nope. The very fact that the media has zero issues accusing people of gaslighting them, but won’t actually accuse anyone of lying, EVER, is proof enough that it’s not a stronger accusation.
Oh, FUCK HIM. This “don’t snitch” culture, is why so many goddamn drug dealers and gang bangers get to run roughshod over these neighborhoods, instead of the neighborhood stepping up and protecting itself and making itself better.
A reminder: 1,300 people die from smoking regular old cigarettes every single day, but we’re not seeing people freak the fuck out like this over them.
Biden was chosen because he’s an expert on foreign affairs, which was considered Obama’s strongest weakness heading into 2008.
I really don’t understand the disdain this site has for Buttigieg. Especially since he’s in 5th place, and in no position to threaten God-Lord-Emperor Sanders.
I’m glad I’m not the only one. I’m a huge sucker for scifi, but the trailers have just left me oddly cold, and I’m not really sure why.
I’ve been thinking that there needs to be a way for a minority party to remove a president when the opposition party refuses to budge. But obviously, it needs to be severe and full of consequences, in order to prevent the GOP just removing every Dem president from future office. So far, the best I’ve come up with is…
So technically, this makes the old Batman show, the original Superman movies, and Smallville all part of the Arrowverse, correct? And potentially the entirety of the DC Animated Universe, depending on where they take that Kevin Conroy casting.
I’m not saying it was okay in 2001 (because it seriously wasn’t), but if we don’t allow for people to do better after fucking up, especially when they give a good, heartfelt, no bullshit apology like he has, you’re going to find yourself on the wrong side of that sooner or later.
Boy, I sure am glad I got called a sexist for opposing Pelosi for speakership.
Is it a grammar nazi, when he was arguing for leniency in the face of a typo?
I hope you called him “Anchor Baby” at every possible opportunity.
Dude. Dude. It’s Kentucky. Even the Democrats in that state are conservative, backwoods hillbillies. This is a terrible analysis.
So, it’s a ghost who sends messages that only the kids can see, in order to solve mysteries? Aside from literary characters in the real world, it actually sounds quite a bit like the old show.
Tim Curry was so brilliant and iconic in that role, that he elevates the rest of the movie purely by himself. People forget how fucking awful that movie was, purely because they remember how goddamn AMAZING Tim Curry was.
I really don’t get the hate. I enjoyed it just as much as the first one. It feels a little less focused, but that’s to be expected due to the shifting timeline structure that the first one didn’t have. Otherwise, I felt it was just as good.
It was an “okay” spider-man movie, and it still only barely cracked 300 million. So pinning all your hopes and dreams on Spider-Verse is maybe not where you want to land in this.
The contract was up, and Disney put up a starting offer to keep things going, expecting a counter offer, not Sony taking their ball home while flipping the middle finger. How is this Disney’s fault?