
I thrive on anger. It motivates me to do good.

It is perfectly rational - nay, acceptable - to get mad at anything making unnecessary noise in your house at 4am. Especially something that you take care of regularly.

“He warned that students would eventually be “asked to bow down to the idols of the popular culture.”

I like “goober,” but twerp works too.

Nevermind the chanting that took place to “make it not political.”

I’d love to see how the Red Sox management might react to such a situation.

Keep fighting the good fight as best you can. I can understand and have seen similar things in years of education in places of low to extremely low SES. It is disheartening and gutting. I just keep doing it because I realize how much worse it will be for them if I’m gone...

Yes. And Steve fails to mention what a lot of these rich assholes seem to forget, or at least ignore: When you hit a certain socioeconomic status, OTHER PEOPLE make your money for you, while you do a bunch of bullshit.

I have fired guns several times - in ranges. I enjoy it.  It mellows me out, oddly.

I feel it’s pretty safe to say, based on current and 2016 numbers: half.  Half of our society.

Stray thought: why can’t go with D) All of the above? Better mental health services, better education, AND better laws?

As someone who has made close to both of those numbers (based on my geography), I can say it’s a weird thing to try to calculate.  I worked harder in an easier school in terms of grading/teaching/etc. but I worked harder with classroom management in the tougher schools.  Which do you think paid better?  The tougher

Fair, but in my experience, they tend to be much less accurate in properly correcting mistakes.

Except with writing and grammar.  Robots are bad at that.

I teach English, so... thanks?

This is gonna sound like a slam or whatever, but I don’t mean it to be:

If someone isn’t really invested in the MCU, whatever, fine. But don’t jump in on Endgame just to be part of the cultural zeitgeist and be weird about the fact that you don’t get what’s happening. I wouldn’t watch the last Harry Potter movie first. I just skipped all of them because I didn’t really care and being part

I personally spend as much of my teaching time as possible casually and subtly turning my students against the GOP.

By this formula, I’d be a millionaire.

What baffles/infuriates me is the combination of appropriation and racism at the same damn time.