YES. Patronize your local library, people!
She got to voice a version of Electro in Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur. I bring it up because that show is awesome.
I’m being entirely serious. I rarely go to concerts these days because ticket prices just seem insane to me now. Taylor’s not my cup of tea but I think playing a 3 hour show packed with everything her fans want makes the cost seem a little more reasonable. A couple years back, I saw The Cure and their set was over 3…
Microsoft supports their consoles in “Developer mode” through their UWP program. With a one time $19 dev license, and this console deal, the Xbox Series S becomes one of the most powerful emulation machines under $200.
I don’t think they should even limit that series to Apple+. They could be streaming it here, streaming it there, streaming it every-fucking-where.
Basic and formulaic is different than trash, yes, but my argument is, we should be demanding better than both.
A BIPOC friend pointed me to this essay by bell hooks about Madonna ( from years ago, and this line really struck me:
There’s actually a great New Haven style place in the Detroit area, if you ever get the chance.
Tried New Haven style twice in recent years, disappointed both times. It’s just burnt, big whoop.
Detroit style for life.
If I could only have one style for the rest of my life, it would be Detroit.
I haven’t tried New Haven style pizza, but I’d like to. I’m mostly upset that it took into my thirties before I discovered Detroit style.
I broke off a toxic relationship with a guy like that. He would say the most hurtful things and then just say, “Hey, I’m just being honest, wouldn’t you rather have me tell the truth?”
Indian food is 100% the reason I eat out lol. I just don’t know how to do it right.
Uncle Scotus?
The fans who stuck it out and stayed in the waiting room all day (seriously, like 8-10 hours) were rewarded with tickets that were advertised at a price of $49 to $449, but actually ended up costing much, much more.
Their take on crime is bullshit. Every time the cons talk about “tough on crime” what they really mean is “tough on negroes.”
Man, I thought this was going to be about a big ol’ sandwich.
Johnny Depp and Elon Musk are really fighting for the, “Look at me! I’m still cool and young!” top spot.
The grays are gonna be extra special for this one. Even if you believe “no digital photo is safe; leaks/hacks are imminently foreseeable”—and even if that’s accurate—it’s absurd to blame a victim who did literally *nothing* wrong.