
Those bento style containers are key - especially if you have a kid who doesn’t like bread. We have 5 of the boxes in which all 5 compartments are sealed separately, so I can pack the whole weeks’ lunches in one shot. Veggies, fruit, pretzels, a protein, and a little treat every day, every week. Thankfully, my kid

There are some names on this list that are legit surprising because they have to KNOW what is really happening here...

Wanna protect children? Don’t let them use social media.

CFA is fine, but only if you eat it IMMEDIATELY. If that chicken sits in a bag for more than about 2 minutes, it’s soggy and gross (like their politics - zing!).

Apparently it has been happening thanks to the pizza rating guy from Barstool Sports who takes one bite of pizza and arbitrarily ranks it.

1983 here. I enjoyed online grocery shopping/curbside pick-up during COVID... but holy shit the mileage varies on quality of produce when I pick it versus when an underpaid grocery person (who is no longer considered a “hero on the front lines”) picks it.

This is what I find so fascinating about SYG laws...

It’s still streaming if you have Hulu with Live TV or YoutubeTV

Feels a lot like cops who are PoC - still cops, still subscribe to racist ideologies, still want to fit in with their white brethren.

All of it. Essentially, it feels more like praise for volunteering if anything, which is kind of fitting, I suppose.

Most of my Teacher’s Appreciation Day “gifts” have ranged anywhere from “fine but inconvenient” to “downright insulting

I grew up in CT and my area had several Duchess restaurants, which were known for their dogs. In high school, id pop by and grab a footlong bacon cheese dog: footlong skin on dog with 2 strips of bacon held on by a wrap of american cheese on a griddled New England style split top bun (all buttery and whatnot from the

I 100% agree with the “Gideon or one of the clones isn’t dead” - his jazzed up Beskar MechSuit plus the lack of a body tells me there’s gonna be some shenanigans.  Plus, Giancarlo Esposito is so good, even when he’s playing it cheesy.

This does not preclude me from DESPERATELY wanting an action figure of Grogu in IG-12 that has a “yes” and “no” button. I know it would drive my wife nuts, but I’d spend more than I should on this.

Something tells me public libraries are going to start getting a lot more attention in the movie loaning department.

I was also all in on him hammering that “yes” button until he broke up the fight with a “NO” and it felt like a weird build-up.

I agree with this. However, what I also find a bit weird is that Kreef always calls him Mando...

I was having a discussion about this with co-workers and several of them were in the “wait till a teacher pushed too far shoots and kid” camp.

And all that is assuming their homeschool situation is... kinda liberal.

I can’t tell if this statement is supposed to be tongue-in-cheek, as we all know people paid wildly (and in some cases exorbitantly) higher amounts than others.