
Yeah, I’m going to make my call, and say that this is where the post-book section of the show came into its own, for better and for worse. Better, because in isolation, it’s a masterfully-edited and choreographed scene with a shockingly brutal payoff even by this show’s standards.

Yeah, I get it. And meanwhile, Conan’s recorded bits are stronger than probably any other late night host’s, and what’s more, better than anything he does on his actual show. Weird how that happens.

Or ‘last scene in the film’

I think Spiderman 3 kind of left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth as far as the balancing act.

The Russos and Marcus & McFeely have twice managed to pull off what may genuinely be the most difficult thing in cinema: making a movie with like, 20 main characters work into a legitimate cohesive whole. It should not be possible. It should feel overstuffed and disjointed and aimless. But the result in Civil War and

It’s time to consider the idea that anyone who thinks this is a good show worthy of this crazy level of fanaticism is a lonely, pathetic fuck

I love the Thor stuff in it, because for some reason his scenes with Rocket just really landed for me. Something about two of the most ridiculous MCU characters getting deep was a winner, and I kind of hated the first two Thor movies. It’s a shame that Endgame might be it for Hemsworth, because his Thor is finally

To be fair, he’s not ranking superhero films, he’s picking the most important one. And as much as I love Spider-Verse, I would argue (as Tom has) that Black Panther is the more important film.

It’s two hours of everything you ever wanted to see in a superhero movie and 20 minutes that rips out your soul. I loved it. 

Now playing

“The San Francisco car chase is an all-timer”

I had seen and been amused by the Thanos-copter before but “Drat!” is a whole new level of wonderful cheesy villainy, it absolutely needs to be revitalized. 

Even despite the tonal bleakness, it still manages to pack in exactly the right amount of the trademark MCU humor that (in my opinion) has actually been the glue holding everything together.  It’s a masterpiece, although I agree that BP is the better movie to write about for this column, since it was more than just an

Yeah we finally completed our MCU runthrough with my daughter so she can catch Endgame with me on the big screen. She’d only heard it was “sad” and so was already reluctant about it. After the snap, it was a steadily increasing cascades of “No!” “Nooo!” and finally “NNNNOOOOOOOOO!” (for you know who). Then that

How do you take a ninja cult that ressurects the dead and make them boring as shit?

It should be interesting, and I have to admit I am especially looking forward to the ones on really, really bad blockbusters.

It’s my favorite MCU film.

Bravo on this series, Tom. It’s been a weekly highlight for me. Man, I can’t wait for the next one.

It’s going to pop up on lists of “Great movies with horrific titles” for years to come.

If you like that kind of noir, you should really check out the current crop of Western+Noir movies. Ever since No Country for Old Men, I’m a huge sucker for those type of films like Hell or High Water, Wind River, Cold in July and other classics like Red Rock West. My dream is to make a noir film set in Texas.

He has seen his BORD.