Thanos as George Costanza
Thanos as George Costanza
I feel attacked by this.
Oh good. You people are back.
Better than that maypole-looking dude they had in between.
I don’t even think he looks scary, honestly. He’s kinda baby-faced and I wish they’d done some makeup work on him to give him a more weathered and monstrous appearance.
Lena Headey did give you warning on social media months before the season started.
This just reminds me that I preferred The Mountain more when he looked like this:
Yeah, you can really tell the episodes where Robert Mueller was a script consultant.
Seriously. The dude was altogether too cocky. Finish the job, dumbass.
What are you looking at, ya hockey puck?
Better Call Maul
Natalie Dormer doesn’t get enough credit for how charmingly she played that fake-romance with the creepy age gap.
I love “Arrested Westeros” which matches Game of Thrones shots with Arrested Development lines.
I can only get through the Red Wedding on re-watch by exclaiming “He’s a fucking Never Nude” when she pulls back the sleeve.
My distraught comes mainly from the death of Grey Wind in this episode. Whenever any of the…
I’m pretty sure we already had this show already and it was called “Golden Girls” and it was perfect
Thinking people wouldnt vote for trump is how america got into this problem in the first place.
The reason is obvious. After season 5 we go beyond the books. Once George RR Martins voice is lost, the shift in tone is noticeable. The characters that suffer the most are Tyrion and Littlefinger. Both Tyrion and Littlefinger become profoundly less witty, smart and deviate from the characters originally…
What happened is that they lost the source material. It’s not that the show couldn’t generate good dialogue on its own, since it never lifted a ton of dialogue wholesale from the books, but once they started having to weld plotlines together to streamline the plot, a LOT more of the dialogue had to be used simply to…
The weird thing about Season 6 is that every major character has a huge transformative journey (especially in the case of Jon Snow — he starts the season dead, gets better, and finishes the season as King in the North), but the characters essentially teleport from their beginning point to end point without any logical…
Man takes a lot of time before we get to S6, which was when I first got in to this series. Still, I appreciate these features; they’re a good supplement to my rewatch spree.
Ooh, sick burn on the media-entertainment complex! You’ve really broken wide the notion that stories about upcoming media products on entertainment sites might not actually be hard-hitting journalism. I’m going to dig up Edward R. Murrow and see what he thinks about this.