
From the original article:

Yeah I just looked through them and they’re almost uniformly a mess. Like, I’m sure it didn’t feel good for Dessen to see that, but the hundreds of “that’s such a horrible and cruel thing to say” like get a grip, y’all. That comment was... pretty mild. 

“It’s hard to know what’s sadder: that Brooke Nelson has internalized misogyny to the extent that she can see nothing of worth in books beloved by “teen girls” but is presumably impressed with the merits of a book centered around video game culture that is beloved by teenage boy”


Ready Player

There’s a lot of White Feminism TM going on in there about “I experience 1 form of oppression, therefore EVERYTHING I DO IS OPPRESSED” as well as some serious Choice Feminism, i.e. “I demand that because I am a woman and I chose to read this that I be considered an empowered feminist because I made a choice”.

There used to be a web site called Authors Behaving Badly or something similar and it was just incredibly sad/funny how frequently authors with *enormous* fan bases (particularly YA authors) took bad reviews so personally, and would sic their fans on some hapless reviewer.

So a female college student attempted to raise the level of discourse on her campus by removing books written for young teens from the recommended reading list. Seems like a good thing. It is infantilizing for the college students to have children’s books recommended for them. Sure it might be enjoyable to read these

My favorite (/s) response to Dessen’s tweet was when someone replied “Fuck that fucking bitch.”, and Dessen replied to that with “I love you. [heart emoji]”.

Could be she saw an opportunity to bring attention to herself to sell more books.

Don’t break your back reaching for those conclusions. “for pleasure” books aren’t something universities are going to assign for mandatory reading. These ‘common’ reading lists are supposed to challenge a young person’s ability to analyze, interpret and draw conclusions on a more complex level than they did in high

She didn’t have to dox the girl to her hundreds of thousands of followers. She set this person up for cyber-bullying all because she had an opinion on her work. You’re better than that Sarah.

Comments like this one backing up Dessen’s position are missing the point so completely, it’s mind boggling:


I think it’s fair to feel hurt, but completely bizarre that a woman with a large public platform chose to respond to a quote from a student at a small college in South Dakota. How fragile is your ego?

asdkfjdk my GOD woman, get your head out of your ass. Sarah, you write shitty teen romance YA, you’re not out here writing the next Booker Prize novel. Of course a college junior, who is presumably in her twenties and you know, at university to challenge herself academically, wants to read something with more

WOW. I’m shocked by all this in part because I am a huge fan of Sarah Dessen... so I know that statement is absolutely true.

Landing on a wing and a prayer.

I’ve seen it work when the flight attendant asked everyone who had a connection within half an hour to raise their hands, and that the people seated around them remain sitting until they’re off the plane.  Actually having individuals singled out makes it a bit tougher to be an inconsiderate prick.

The ONE situation where an announcement was made and actually kept butts in seats was when the plane had a casket in the cargo hold containing the body of a soldier who died in combat. Everybody was told to stay seated until the casket was removed by a military escort group of some sort.

“This would only take affect if the pilot or the flight attendants announce the situation and ask everyone to wait while these poor bastards exit the plane.”

Do you know what I do when the plane lands? Nothing. I sit there and relax while all the busy bees trip over themselves and get angry and work their blood pressure up trying to get two minutes ahead of each other, and when they’ve finished I leisurely stand up, grab my things, and saunter casually off. It is not