
Who designed this shitty ass lobster costume?
wasn’t me

Facial expression, body shape - that’s Dory from Finding Nemo. Still a shit looking puppet, but that’s absolutely a Dory puppet.

With all due respect, Joe and Mika can just go straight to hell.

So friends, I was there. I booed. We were all ready for it. Woman in front of me had an “IMPEACH 45" shirt on, another man had a shirt that said “End Windmill Cancer.” Around the 4th inning of every Nats game, they do a salute to troops who are attending the game, they roll the camera to the service men and women, and

Joe can can choke on his morning joe for that stupid ass comment. Why tf does the media keep trying to play this both sides we go high narrative?

It’s no time to get over confident. It’s even more of a challenge than the last one with him as an incumbent. He’s still got a multi-hundred million dollar campaign fund with super PACs still revving up, evidently still has significant Russian support, both financial and tactical, and a crafty social media director

People keep making this point under the assumption that a World Series game was attended exclusively by people who live within 20 minutes of the stadium. I live on the VA/NC border and have friends who drove five hours to go to game 4. It’s not just DC natives.

Yes, that’s exactly what they expect. He’d lived his entire life in a privileged bubble. He genuinely believes people love him, because the fools he surrounds himself confirm his bullshit to enrich themselves.  It’s all so gross. 

Not this president. In a sport where a huge percentage of the players are latinos there is no justification whatsoever for having a president that openly calls for shutting down their immigration (legal and illegal), and illegally separates children from their parents and puts them in concentration camps.

I don’t disagree with that, but the Astros didn’t even have to AGREE with her. Just not call her a lying bitch in a press release. They couldn’t even clear that tiny hurdle. 

For the life of me, I don’t understand why the Astros dug a giant PR hole for themselves.

But seriously, Jose Andres is a goddamn saint. He was in Puerto Rico serving over 10,000 a meals a day after Hurricane Maria struck.

Nats managing to get around some of the embarrassment of a potential Trump appearance by having José Andrés throw out the first pitch of that game.

JFC, just be a decent human being and confirm the res. Are people really that lazy or inconsiderate?

I should have clarified: It’s a Houston sports team. Would apply to the Astros or Texans especially.

I can’t imagine their initial “investigation” went beyond asking Taubman if the comments were directed at anyone, and then credulously accepting him saying “of course not.”

One of my most favorite things about this Nats run is the Strasburg hugs. I don’t believe I ever saw him smile before this season, and look what Parra and Sanchez have done to his cold heart. Sweetening these hugs just a little bit more is that in the longer shots you can see Scherzer runs up to join in at the end (at

See, I don’t think this is good PR. He’s trying to be a working comedian, not a working porn star. If all he becomes in the public’s mind is “That crazy guy who dated Ariana and has a big dick.”, actually hurts him, I think. He now has to work harder to prove himself comedically where, before, he just had to be on

But shoot Scott Boras into the sun.

I’m going to go with sense of humor with a side of wounded soul. Plus the dick. The wounded soul gets to be a little too much after awhile. May to December. Everybody goes their separate ways. Women seem to bear no ill will. Pete seems to rebound quickly probably because he can’t be alone for long.