
As someone who watches Doctor Who sporadically (I loved Amy & Rory) I tuned in for the new female Doctor and ended up watching every ep last season. I really like the energy of all the companions and Jodie. For someone like me having the all standalone eps was great, I pretty much know what a Dalek is and that’s it

If I get a free good dessert out of it, sing away!

When I saw the graphic on the main page I literally said out loud “Bitty!!” So happy to see Check, Please! on the list!

I saw Honey Boy at an advance screening a few weeks back and found myself liking it more than expected. Jupe is really, really good and the scenes with him and Shia are excellent. It IS obviously therapy but it’s really beautifully filmed and the performances make it worth seeing.  And yes, you are 100% rooting for

I was in a bar and when he threw that final curve to get out of that inning I literally screamed WAY TO GO!  Give him all the hugs!!

Agreed.  RIP Grantland, you were awesome.

He made a mistake, but the game loss was not his fault. Trent Grisham I support you!  Don’t beat yourself up too much kid. 

It’s better for baseball and the fans if the As / Rays vs Stros series ends up being interesting.

Disagree, and many agree with me. Atmosphere at an As game is awesome. Fans are awesome.  I’m not speaking of the actual physical Coliseum OBVIOUSLY.

I really wanted it to go down to the last game, just like tomorrow I really want the Cards to lose and the Brewers to win.

They made it!  Good luck Wednesday!!

And when I typed my reply they were not officially eliminated. Weird sh*t happens in baseball all the time. lolwut back ‘atcha.  Here’s hoping either the As or rays pull off a big upset down the line.

I am a Native Houstonian, now Angeleno die-hard basbeall fan. 2017 was my dream and all expectations were met. I’m still on a high from that WS honestly.  That being said, even I do not want a 2017 redux.  I attend many Dodgers games and would like the guys to win mostly so the fanbase will shut up about it.  That

All they have to do is win like 2 games this weekend and the Twins lose 2, it’s not completely outside the realm of possibility here.

This is my favorite movie of all time and I still learned some new things in this piece so thanks Caroline!

Spinach - thick bottom layer, Scoop of egg salad, Scoop of tuna salad, a TON of cherry tomatoes, croutons if seasoned, nuts if available. No dressing as the egg salad and tuna salad have dressings that get spread around basically.

I stopped at a remote farm in New Hampshire four years ago, it was a self serve honor system and I took cheese but did not have cash and didn’t leave any money.  I really need to send them the $7 because it’s been bugging me ever since.

Linda Emond in that scene talking about the snow, it was beautiful and mesmerizing and moving. Then you had the whole higher steaks stuff and just, everything about that had me dying. This episode was amazing.

Spaghetti with meat sauce or meat balls is the clear answer.