
Yes, I think Katie is off on this. Nancy just moved like she wanted. I mean, Bill is in the doghouse but all he needs to do is find where they are, I don’t *think this is like “I’ve left you forever” but he needs to figure his ish out.

I like the BTK stuff because the audience knows when he was caught and why and it kindof highlights how nascent what they’re doing is and how much they have to learn.

I disagree with your assessment of the character.

This is a you issue. Again, she’s reacting and behaving like a “normal” person would through the entire series. If anything she’s too tolerant towards the end.  I too disagree with your assessment of the character.

Yes, it’s actually noted in the closed captioning as well, I noticed in an earlier episode. Glad it’s there since I’m hearing impaired and wouldn’t have known.

Man, like you obviously knew Gregg wouldn’t cotton on that Carr was being truthful but I loved/hated how one throwaway line from him just crushed her. Of course she was basically visibly unflappable but inside, dang. Of course Holden does his Holden thing and can’t gauge when he's crossed a line (or doesn’t care)

I loved that the font desk clerk immediately took advantage of the situation and that Holden handled it as best he could.  I thought that whole scene was well done.

She’s reacting and behaving like a “normal” person would, I for one find her highly sympathetic. She doesn’t have the calluses built up that her husband does. She’s not high strung at all, I have no idea where you’re getting that.  

Bummer, man, the book is one of my favorites, I’ve read it about 3 times, it’s in my ebook library! :(

This was a superb episode, really perfectly plotted out. I wish they had kept Sam and Ruth platonic, Gayle Rankin was AMAZING, Geena Davis brava, Bash FINALLY kisses a guy.

Her reaction to Sam telling her she didn’t get the part was so childish.  I get it in the heat of the moment because Ruth basically has zero self esteem but man, they seemed like they undid last season’s growth for her in one scene.

I thought Bash being annoyed by the switches was a bit OOC as well, but they played it so it kindof made sense as a heel turn.  I appreciated that we had Justine and Sam to appreciate it.

God, Ruth is so frustrating to watch, I just want to shake her. If the show isn’t renewed it’s a shame it has such a bummer ending.

Styrofoam is banned in a lot of cities in California including mine :)

It’s not the same. Signed, someone who volunteered regularly but also worked in a resturant during HS.

Hey a couple of years of hot sex never killed anybody...

the lipstick in the Lincoln Center scene - gorg.

His smile after the oatmeal line!  Who could resist.  NO. ONE.

Moonstruck is so charming.  A true rewatchable.  I flip through channels and this is on, I’m watching until the end.  Cher and Nic are great together.  It’s a little weird, but humans are weird.  I like that they get weird together.
