
I think it comes down to the Nats’ questionable bullpen as to why they’re considered such an underdog. Having Scherzer only go 5 was supposed to be a scenario the Nats lose.

Well, this is one of my worst fears realized. I was always paranoid about this when I was an athlete, especially when schools didn’t have a dedicated visitor’s locker room and instead put us in another of their teams’ locker rooms. Seriously, fuck whoever did this. I am so angry for these women. So, so angry. Female

Nana Rose was sitting in her wheelchair beside Cheryl, holding the other twin.

Great interview! Also great to see a talented guy like Shea doing well.

Fucking great interview. Anything Shea or Jason Concepcion from the Ringer are on I am always into. Shea is a solid follow on twitter too.

Anyone should go back and read his articles on Grantland on coaching middle school football.  They are great and hilarious!

Shea Serrano’s the man. He’s such a talented, witty writer, and I love how much he reps South Texas and other writers. Not that this means much coming from me, but I def. recommend his Villains and John Wick podcasts. They’re highly entertaining, and it’s fun to hear someone who genuinely loves pop culture chat about

Unfortunately, they will not be at Atlanta, but at some Cobb County country club that incorporated as a suburb.

I’m pretty sure the unwritten rules will show that that was not a bat flip.

Get a rope.

Yeah I don't know why Salty thinks people won't unplug fans or lamps. I have witnessed people unplug actual work equipment in order to charge their phone or laptop. 

Libraries have wi-fi and absolutely love people who come there and stay for hours. At our local library, the librarian told us that the wi-fi is available in the parking lot in case you’re in your pajamas and need some quiet time working in your car-office.  I love librarians.

I work in a college library and can confirm, people will unplug anything and everything if they want to use an electrical outlet. Including surge protector power strips that they could’ve used instead.

I suppose I should clarify that you turn the breakers on when you need the outlets, to vacuum or polish the floor or whatever, provided its safe for your employees to do so in the breaker panel.

Ah, the old “talk to them about it” solution. We seem to have forgotten how to do that. This is the best solution. You’ll have a few uncomfortable manager conversations and lose a few customers you don’t want anyway, and then the problem will largely be mitigated.

If its feasible, turn off the electrical breakers to those outlets so there’s no power. I have seen a few places do this to prevent vampire electricity theft. The primary reasons those outlets are there are to facilitate electrical cleaning equipment and not for portable charging.

“You could do away with customer WiFi altogether”

Just add a new item to your menu: The Bottomless Worker Drink $15

“you’d have to be pretty bold to just unplug lights to use your laptop”

“You’d have to be pretty bold to just unplug lights to use your laptop” - I’m pretty sure someone who would be “bold” enough to camp out in a restaurant for hours and order nothing more than a drink would be bold enough to start unplugging things. Also, it’s not too much of a stretch to expect them to start