
FWIW I think he is.

Great list. I find Will’s relationship with the Upside Down/monsters to be the most interesting so I really hope they deal with that. If he’s dealing with his sexuality that is a good coming of age story too. In reality I don’t see how they wrap the show up without El sacrificing herself but then again they kindof did

BLL won’t be eligible for this years’ Emmys, Michelle’s competition is Arquette and Adams,

I thought it was intentional, the writer saying what the photographer thought of her as when he assaulted her.

As many have mentioned and I’ll just echo, the show fell off plotwise this season with a lot of holes, but Comer has never been better. I actually very much liked her and the actor who plays Peel’s banter and scenes, and would’ve been intrigued by a some more episodes of them trying to figure each other out.  I’m

He should send this article to corporate so they can give Salim 3 a raise.

I’m a public servant and curse like a sailor IRL, frak is part of my vernacular and I make no apologies ;)

Well said. She could have definitely kept the younger brother Tarly alive, her decision was to show she was being too harsh in her bend the knee or die. She was being too extreme then and has been in other cases as well. YES, I can see her POV 100% but the point is it’s not the ONLY choice she could have made.

Agreed. I was very big on Jamie and Brienne getting together (before the season began I thought they’d die together at Battle of Winterfell!) and I understand the ending to whatever extent they wanted to get there, but the specific beats could’ve been SO much better. Oh well, we’ll always have that lovely knighting

Yep. They could’ve had the knighting scene, which was basically a love declaration, and then skip the hook up and “I’m staying up Winterfell to be with you” and have Jamie go when he hears from Bronn that Cersei is going to die.  I just don’t believe that ShowJamie would be that cruel to Brienne.  It’s poor writing.

Arya CHOOSING to have sex and lose her virginity because she’s a woman and she trusts Gendry was awesome and a great moment for her character. Get the frak over it.

I agree with Salty’s rules, Don’t bring in a full meal unless you know the theater is basically going to be empty.

Getting people out of cars, reducing stupid traffic, saving parking spaces.”I’ve seen no proof they are doing that at all, would love to see a source.

When I watched Beychella on the livestream I was so fascinated with how much work must have gone into every aspect of it, costumes, dancers, the way the music was reworked for drum line/horns, etc. etc. so I was excited to watch this last night.  One thing I wish there had been more of in the film was about the

it doesn’t taste like a chess pie at all really.

that’s what the Momofuku staff said when she made it for team dinner maaaaany years ago

Infrastructure/social services. I live in L.A. If 3-5,000 new Americans are dumped en masse (how would they even do this because it would cost money I don’t see them spending but okay) the question is whether we have the resources to help them. It’s not because they’re going to murder and rape everyone obviously.

And of course now he’s saying they’re going to do it because WaPo hasn’t learned that if you say something is awful and decent people say OMG awful to something it’s EXACTLY what this Administration will do.

Yeah that’s not a thing Rahm.  Not worth the paper it’s printed on.  Smollett’s team should ignore.

Those are her season tickets, she’s seen a lot.