
You’re doing well as Torb if you’re able to spam out armour packs into your team’s faces.

If you’re a Torbjorn and you care about your turret then you’re not a good Torbjorn. If it gets destroyed, put another one down in a different location.

In response to people thinking they know best in chat I usually say “Clearly they wrote the handbook on this game”

My favourite one is “Torb is useless” - because we got to diamond rank by being terrible with Torbjorn.

What I’d love for them to do is bring back the old custom-sprays (like the good-old days) and disable sprays entirely for competitive servers.

I once did a PSVR demo from Sony where you sat in a car on a freeway and shot at motorbikes and cars that had people shooting back at you. It was awesome but I confused the heck out of the demo people as I spent the entire time slamming my car door constantly and shooting my driver buddy and myself in the face, as


The controllers indeed do not unplug, but Curryrider is aware of this. He said “hopefully it has the same pinout” which means he’s hoping the wires themselves are identical to the NES-mini so they can be soldered to Wii Remote Cables.

I was about to write “Anyone remember that awesome looking Famicom GBA Micro?” and scrolled down to happily see it there in the article.

I don’t quite get baseball, but I’m impressed that there’s people dedicated enough to the sport to know what orientation the court is built to spot these errors.

Games didn’t have fuzzy scanlines because it enhanced the game or fulfilled the designer’s vision, it was the limitation of the technology of the time.

This isn’t an aspect of the NES, it’s an aspect of the display the NES is plugged into.

I would probably put Ghost in the Shell on this list.

I think Symmetra’s ideal play style goes entirely against her intended play style (whatever that is). She does incredibly well at solo’ing in very close range against ranged attackers and all squishies and if you play her right then you can get a teleporter back up within a matter of seconds after losing the previous

Look on her ear, sub-surface scattering is being applied. If anything, I’d say it looks like the old one has incorrectly applied sub-surface scattering (applied it as ambient toning) and makes her look like she’s made of rubber.

The compression makes it nearly impossible to see the effects of any anti-aliasing besides the effects of alpha-to-coverage in the hair, however the entire hair texture has been changed to be higher-detailed, higher-frequency so you can’t really compare them. Where are you seeing the down-grade in anti-aliasing?

That’s a lot of hair fragments using alpha to coverage. The aliasing is probably going to be very noticeable (her hair will likely have sparkling pixels in-game as she and the camera moves around)

If you were to race to the end of the game versus someone doing this exploit then they’ll win the race, so it’s definitely speed running.

Likely this started off with someone noticing the game freaks out when using the whistle when there’s 11 sprites on the screen (so this ghost area), they reported this oddity to the community who then inspected the assembly code for the whistle’s logic and see that it does not perform the sprite array bounds check