Obligatory; I don’t get speed-running! Why would you want to miss out on all the story this game has to offer and horribly ruin the original creators’ artist vision?
Obligatory; I don’t get speed-running! Why would you want to miss out on all the story this game has to offer and horribly ruin the original creators’ artist vision?
I really liked the first FEAR game. But one thing about the FEAR series I found (at least, up to FEAR 2 - haven’t played 3) they aren’t scary at all.
Piracy is wrong, it is stealing and cannot be justified, however it’s a different story with emulators as the actual emulation software is not piracy and isn’t stealing as it is simply a clean-room virtual machine implementation.
The actual emulator itself is not illegal as it is a clean-room virtual machine.
I’m not surprised. I’ve seen some grenade-weapon tricks before. Most I’ve done is fire a weapon into my hand whilst being pinned down.
For art direction purposes it would be a scale reference object
Those monsters designs - http://www.compileheart.com/moe-cry/galler…
Will this break Japan’s decency laws?
Emoticon is implementation specific. So MSN emoticons, as an example, would have codes like “(Y)“ for thumbs-up.
They should have made it like NeoTokyo :(
This is debatable; for large scale projects 3D requires much, much less man-hours than 2D. For large 2D projects you need large teams working on the animation sheets.
Graphics development in the real world involves hardware quirks, it’s why DirectX gives us the ability to query resource limits and why DX12 lets us query individual GPU hardware.
I figure that out because we’re the ones using the new API, all this information about in-built compute, thread safe distributed API calls and multi-GPU hardware access is intended to show developers why they should make games with this API, not to makes gamers giddy.
You’ve practically covered everything I dislike about this gamer-targeted PR spin.
The flame wars will be so fucking awesome if the rumors, that the current Nvidea lineup is incapable of supporting it properly, come out to be true.
Side not am I the only one really stoked about DX12?
The PS1 version has the worst western translation, the GBA one is much better but the translator threw in a lot of elements that isn’t in the original Japanese script, making the characters appear goofy and removing all the tone from the game’s story.
Stuck in PS1 binary format.
I will definitely be looking into modding this game, this game is really good and is my favourite in the series but the western releases have been let down with terrible script translations and these awful character sprites.
2nd best version of the game. I really like the GBA version, it has the best official script translation but it still missed the mark.