
I would pull the emulation card but I don't like resolving to that one.

GTA V is where everything I say goes to hell, that's mostly because the core count on consoles is higher than the last generation, so that's dependant on the next generation of AMD processors coming out and dropping prices on the last generation.

The way they ring out every drop of power carries over to PC too (Especially this generation with the shared architecture).

I think something is seriously wrong if you're constantly buying new pieces.

They don't offer more, they offer less but they offer it all packaged.

No one forks out $1500-$2000 for a PC.

Well, yeah.

It's difficult to get parts that don't outperform a PS4 right now, this is the first console generation where the consoles entered at mid-range level performance, the previous generation was top-range level.

Many people don't consider the choice at all due to education, that's the issue, people write off PC based on factors that aren't even real (driver issues hasn't been an issue since like 2002).

Time to make some fakes! *Looks for gold spray-paint and Mario Amiibo*

I totally understand that some people don't care, but this thread started from people caring about resolution.

Oh man, now I'm not getting this game at all.

I'm actually a game developer myself, Windows is architecturally flawed because it is built upon previous iterations of itself. Console OSes are a lot nicer to work with (Especially PS4! It's BSD!) and OS X is just fantastic architecturally. Developing OS X applications is a dream, I wish Windows had it like that.

Yes I do agree with this one, however over time those console games will make trade-offs and lower their graphical quality, the same trend can be done on PC which is what kept my machine kicking in the last generation.

I can say the same thing to you, if you wanted to play a PC game you'll need a PC, if I wanted to play a Nintendo title I'd buy a Wii U.

One of my first custom cases has lego bricks inside to raise the DVD drive for it to meet the shell's drive-open button. Lego is awesome!

You can call false, but it's factual knowledge now that I am stating.

Windows really does suck and is the worst part of PC gaming definitely.

With PC you only need to upgrade when your hardware is below the minimum specs for a new title, with intelligent spending that will only happen once between console generations, so buying a new graphics card is like buying a new console for a new generation.

Hey, I never mentioned PCMR and I never attacked consoles at all.