Xero Vanderbilt

I don’t want to defend Suh in any way shape or form, but I think we’ve all wanted to kick an alleged rapist at some point.

Fried cheese curds are awesome you Commie.

Ok, you’ll get paid, and then you’ll pay tuition. What? That’s not a fair trade off?

Count down to divorce papers being filed............

I have absolutely zero interest in two juice monkeys suplexing & spearing each other for 20+ minutes sprinkled with rest holds. I will turn off the PPV before the match even begins.

Slow football Sunday you have to report on girls high school soccer?

The robots in the seats look so life like!

“We go live to Bryce Harper......Bryce?”

Go hug a fucking tree & cry me a river.

Like two chicks at the same time.

Fuck you for making me go to Facebook for this shit.

I’m an asshole and I don’t give a fuck who knows. Sam Bradford can suck a herpes dick, you look like the type of clown to tie a sweater around his waist Drew.

Fuck Chicago forever for ruining “Chelsea Dagger” & The Fratelli’s as a whole for me.

Wow you bitches are stupid for believing shit like this.

We are kindred for this.

I feel like you should publish the time of the night Rocket kept emailing from so we can determine when he’s been crying.

Jeff Smith sounds like an incredibly black gay Muslim name, how dare you dodge him! Also, “Sent from my iPhone” people should be blasted into outerspace. Get rid of the digital signature if you can figure out how to do it.

She’s ugly so who cares?

This Brewers fan thanks you.

At least St. Louis has the Rams..........wait....you mean? HA! Enjoy your shitty pizza.