I would agree as far as the books are concerned, however, I think the story of the third book is way more suited to a movie. I am cautiously optimistic about Mockingjay the movie.
I would agree as far as the books are concerned, however, I think the story of the third book is way more suited to a movie. I am cautiously optimistic about Mockingjay the movie.
My personal belief is that once you introduce a tomato you've left stew and entered beef vegetable soup.
Maybe it's the difference between having kids as a young adult (which I did) versus having them later in life, but my pregnancy anxiety has increased dramatically with each pregnancy. Now in my mid-thirties and having had our last child earlier this year, I was complete wreck throughout the pregnancy. I just know too…
I'm I the only one who feels like Marky Mark keeps getting closer?
Was there toilet paper on board?
I would think that Gregggggg would know that the Nobel Prize in Economics isn't even a real Nobel prize. It is currently called the The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. Tip o' me hat to Wikipedia on that one.
So no Oregon Trail?
I think you should only have one "kicker" on your roster. Same dude has to punt and kick the FGs.
Remember that time Drew cited the Pats as an historically winning franchise. As someone who grew up in the 80s and whose elementary school mascot was a Patriot, let me tell you that they are NOT an historically winning franchise. They are a johnny-come-lately winning franchise.
I believe the quote you want is: "an elegant weapon for a more civilized age"
Or maybe the big pile of steaming shit in the toilet once you've gotten back to your hotel room.
Friday: Asked my son what he wanted to be. Iron Man is pretty cool he says.
+2 for working on so many levels
Loved River City Ransom. Loved Nintendo World Cup. Loved Crash n' th Boys Street Challenge. Still waiting for them to release Crash n' the Boys Ice Challenge.
From the video it's tough to say whether they were exhibiting "honor", "spirit" or "tradition".
No steak sauce for the first 16 or so ounces of steak, but once your taste buds are tired of steak and your jaw is numb from chewing, pull out the steak sauce for your second wind. Also, Trappeys is a great Louisiana style hot sauce
My most favorite thing about Breaking Bad occurred over the summer when Bill Simmons realized that Breaking Bad was where the cultural zeitgeist had moved and he had never watched an episode. Can you even imagine the panic he must have felt as the nation's self appointed sports/pop-culture czar?!?! He then proceeded…
I starred this but also think that everyone who starred this should be banned.