
Terriblehuman is correct. All of the high school sports that have professional counterparts are year round sports. There really aren't any seasonal sports anymore.

Can't be played from my current location? That seems like a good idea for a league trying to expand it's audience. Make it more difficult to access.

Mormon feminists. They're a thing. They are basically as feminist as Mormon culture will allow them to be, which (while I'm no expert on feminism) isn't very feminist at all. But they will brandish their feminist credentials with a righteous zeal. I'm not sure who the feminism police are, or if the idea feminism

I was referring to the Sports Braodcasting Act of 1961 which allows the NFL and other professional sports leagues to sell their broadcast rights as a packages.

Don't need the state legislature, just make it part of federal law and a term of retaining their monopoly exemption.

This. The only thing I really use my xbox 360 for these days is to connect to Media Center on my computer in the other room. Gave up on doing it through the PS3 ages ago. I can't wait to try PS3 Media Server tonight.

I hadn't considered that.

Re: Celebrity and Fame,

Right. So when Urban Outfitters is selling a line of "Navajo" products it is a cultural appropriation, but when terms of Scottish and Celtic heritage are appropriated the distinction is meaningless and arbitray?

If that's the implication you want to make. I'm just saying he's not wearing a kilt in the picture and to label it as such is factually incorrect.

Sorry Kanye, but a kilt without a tartan is a skirt. Period.

If you didn't like the books, then you probably won't like the movies. I thought the first two books were awesome and the third book had promise but failed to deliver. That first movie though, what a disaster. It seemed like every point at which they needed to make a decision, they made the wrong one. Definitely a

The replacement refs were no more lousy than the genuine refs. I rather enjoyed living in a world where the jump ball at the end of that game and subsequent skirmish ends in a Seattle touchdown. That's the way we always played it on the schoolyard. Whoever comes out with the ball "caught" the ball. It just feels right

After watching the defense he played on LeBron in the All Star game, I think putting him on the opposing teams best player was the correct call.

i can't believe there are people who don't already know/use this information.

I don't see why the answer to both of your questions can't be yes.

The dark meat ones were better. RIP dark meat mcnuggets

Prior to McDonalds switching to all white meat nuggets, my gf knew by shape which nuggets were white meat and which were dark. She would demand that I trade all my white meat nuggets for her dark meat nuggets. I married her.

Don't discount the sweet chili sauce.

http://www.finecooking.com/item/5573/parmigiano-reggiano It makes almost everything better.