
Phelps accomplishments (breaking the world records in 08) might also have been help by the magic suits they wore that year which are now banned.

The IOC is responsible for cashing the checks.

So it bugs you, what is your work around? I have more technological wonders in my house than I know what to do with. Unfortunately due to DRM, copy protection, file type incompatibility, file compression time, etc, pointing my phone at the TV to record something and then clicking send to youtube is by far, BY FAR the

Someone finally found my personal tipping point for "interest in all things middle earth". Turns out it's 2 Hobbit movies. My interest will increase up to that point. If you go beyond two Hobbit movies, however, my interest begins to decrease. Fascinating.

"I bet you still think Robin got his ass beat," No. I think he got his face beat. But if you're saying his face is his ass, then yes, I suppose he got his ass-face beat.

Please be respectful of the fact that PopCap Games is dead and that this game is in fact coming from EA (Winner of the 2012 Worst Company in America Award!)

I'm just angry at Myriad Genetics still. That's all.

Well this is certainly a start. Now let's see what we can do about patent licensing for things "invented" using taxpayer money.

He didn't lose a single receiver all season. He just waited until they were in the end zone and then mugged the hell out of them as the ball went whizzing by ten feet over head.

Every once in a while I cave and purchase a toy out of pure nostalgia. As soon as I open it I realize that it will never fill the giant void in my soul and the buyer's remorse sets in almost instantly. Also, you can't let your children play with the awesome toys you wanted as a child because they do not appreciate

Dead seriously considering naming my next child (if a daughter) Eowyn. Thoughts? Also, is there any way a child named Sullivan doesn't get nicknamed Sully? My wife says we could call him Van, to which I reply that I have never known a Charlie that I didn't call Chuck.

This has been out since January if you can't wait until the end of the month: http://www.amazon.com/Star-Trek-Generation-Level-Blu-ray/dp/B0064NLQYG/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1342132650&sr=8-4&keywords=star+trek+tng

Out West, I have stuff delivered from Amazon by a company called OnTrac.

most severe>severest

"Why Didn’t Anyone Tell Me His Dark Materials Was Amazing?" Because of the third book. The first two are absolutely amazing and have you completely psyched for the third. And then in the third book Pullman started pushing his ideology at the expense of the story. And the worst thing about the movie is that Pullman

First, where did you get your strawberries? Because if they came from the store as opposed to your garden, then they probably weren't at the height of ripeness. Secondly, the variety of strawberry which you described were developed for size, color and shelf life - not flavor. Which leads me to think you've never

I attended a deposition earlier this week wherein one of the other attorneys had on a wristwatch and had his iPhone on the table in front of his watch laden hand. It was completely redundant and he looked like a tool.

I see what you're trying to do here, make a compelling, rational argument for the superiority of the imperial system over the metric system, and I agree. Also, why couldn't the length of a meter have been 1 yard? Problem solved.

They also broke it by allowing only one town / 4 players per Wii. I have too many children for both my wife and I and our four oldest children to each have a house in town. So I would have to purchase a separate Wii to accommodate 2 towns versus the GC version which just required 2 memory cards.

Is this why i can't have more IT Crowd?