
I don't know. I was on team Potter until the end of Half-Blood Prince when Snape just OWNS him. It was at that moment that I said to myself, "My Gawd! It really has been dumb luck this whole time! Harry is a crap wizard."

I can barely palm an ipad with one hand. So that has to be the upper limit on phone size. However, I did pick up my niece's kindle fire the other day and dropped it in my front jean pocket with no problem. I could see using a phone that big. (I didn't try sitting down with it in my pocket though, so that could be a

What I'm expecting from iOS 6 is for the iPhone 4 to become near unusable when running iOS 6. I think it's called engineered obsolescence? It's what happened to my 3G when iOS 4 came out.

Also, no humans.

Great comment. I do however take issue with one of your statements: "Russia doesn't have the money or the brainpower to go back to the Moon." Russia or the Soviets or whoever never actually set foot on the moon. Shouldn't a country have to have actually successfully landed a person on the moon BEFORE they start

I thought the same thing while watching Deadwood. Every other word in that show is cocksucker. Then one magical episode someone threw out cuntlicker. So there you have it.

I find this list strangely comforting. Paper Wasps build their paper houses all over my property. I get bitten at least once a year. Last year it was smack in the middle of my forehead. It hurt pretty bad and gave me a headache for a few hours afterward, but I would not have thought it was a three.

The elementary school my kindergartner attends is beginning a language immersion program next year for first graders. They will receive instruction in english the first half of the day and then receive the same lesson in the foreign language the second half of the day. They will do this throughout elementary school

Public Domain is a myth. Like Sasquatch.

"By crippling functionality on sites Google owns (like YouTube) and forcing users to "upgrade" to a service that they may not want or need to get that functionality back, Google is making a huge and annoying mistake." RIP Picnik. Not that google owned Flickr, but they sure as hell killed picnik to try and force people

I feel like Angry Birds is a little worse. I commented to my wife one day at the store that it seems like Rovio sent a team of researchers out to the store to inventory every item that has ever used a licensed character just to be sure there is an Angry Birds version of it.

My parents and in-laws are from the South, North Carolina and Georgia/Florida respectively. We all live in the Southwest now. My grandparents always insisted on correcting people who called it the Civil War by calling it "the War Between the States" or "the War of Northern Aggression" (because there was nothing Civil

"Apple Hauls Insane $39 Billion Revenue Despite Selling Fewer iPhones and iPads"... Sprint still unable to explain to its Mom what happens to its lunch money everyday.

Harvard still has the money, I think what this memorandum is saying is that it is time for a paradigm shift in academia. This is especially true for one of the nations most elite institutions. Harvard is paying the faculty that are doing the research and writing the articles, that are participating in the editorial

I just bought my first PSP! A PSP 3000. It was $120 less than a Vita. I can conceive of no earthly reason to spring for the Vita. Can anyone offer a compelling reason?

Our first daughter is named Scout after Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird. People basically fall in two categories. Those who recognize the name from To Kill a Mockingbird (thumbs up) and those who think we borrowed the name from Bruce Willis and Demi Moore (thumbs down).

Why wouldn't you have gone with "Such a Lucky Duck!"? It was right in front of you!

EA should be glad those companies weren't nominated because it would have been even more embarrassing for EA to have been voted more evil than the "Axis of Evil" they listed

They bought PopCap and introduced micro-transactions into the PopCap system. Also the first thing they did was break Bejeweled up into two products Bejeweled 3 and Bejeweled Blitz whereas previously Blitz was a game mode of Bejeweled.