
Apple is the East India Trading Company of our times. The only difference being that where the European Trading companies utilized slave labor in their operations, Apple employs Foxconn and the rest of industrial China. It is completely fair to say that their profits are built entirely upon the backs of marginalized,

Why wasn't Spock the captain of the Enterprise? And in JJ Abrams Star Trek, look what happened when they made Spock the captain of the Enterprise.

No matter how long I stare at Jabba's Palace, I just can't seem to see Princess Leia in her metal bikini. What am I missing here?

I totally get that and don't begrudge anyone using Facebook. It just seems like the "what the user gets out of facebook" versus "what facebook gets out the user" scale is titling pretty heavily toward facebook these days.

Am I the only one who half expects the lingering handshake embrace, like the one here between Mittens and Pawlenty, to end in a passionate kiss? It's almost more awkward that it doesn't.

Who still uses facebook? I know this question gets asked a lot. I only joined to friend my wife so I could play scrabble and other mobile games with her, so I'm probably not their target demographic, but still. All I ever see on blogs is how much it sucks, how much they hate it, how little they use it, etc. There are

"Do they not realise that they are employed by the American public, not MegaCorps Inc?"*

DS Phone please. I've had a smart phone for quite a while now, but when I gave myself a 3DS for Christmas, I was stunned by how much more engrossing the gameplay is. How did I forget that portable gaming can be awesome.

So that's what happened to Jack Black, he turned into Chriss Pratt!

If it got there on its own, I'm pretty sure that makes it "native". Not trolling, just saying.

Just realized that the braid guy is Ted from How I Met Your Mother.

I came to the comments for one reason. And it wasn't even here, so I had to google it myself. I am disappointed in everyone right now.

My experience with the LG G2X will prevent me from ever buying another LG phone.

I'm just glad that there are three consoles, that they are all doing well and that now that I am an adult, I'm in charge of which game system will be in the house! And so, Mom, if I want to have 2 xbox 360's, a LBP machine and a Wii, then that's what I'll have. And you can't do anything about.

Does no one on the Giz staff have kids? I've been using Tot Locks on drawers for the last 6 years.

I had to stop playing online Dr. Mario matches against strangers on my Wii because it was too weird when people started chatting. I guess if you knew the person on the other end was married to a doctor though. This should be a match making option. Only connect me with doctors or their spouses.

This is why I believe Obama and Romney are basically the same guy just in different colors. Like how Ken dolls come in different colors.

Hippos are the worst without question. They live in their own shit (so they stink) and if you get too close to them, they swat it at you with their tail. Their tails are basically shit fans, flinging it every which way. I can respect that about Hippos. I wouldn't want to live in an exhibit at the zoo either. But they

How and why did Gizmodo decide to use a five star rating system? It seems to me that if you are going to use half stars, you are cheating and you might as well use a ten star system and call this product a 7. How did you decide to use half stars? Have you ever awarded a 3.25 score? Just curious is all.