Shhh, we're keeping that in our pocket until after he gets the nomination.
Shhh, we're keeping that in our pocket until after he gets the nomination.
Having decided to go with an iPhone 4s as opposed to an iPhone 5, Apple probably felt they needed something to generate excitement. This is especially true considering the delay between the iPhone 4 and the iPhone 4s. So they pushed Siri out the door.
Anyone else have direct tv and the direct tv remote app? Sounds like M$ is copying that (probably copying other apps as well). Which isn't bad because I seriously love that app.
I think you've got it mixed up in your head. It is not the fact that Fox News made a mistake* that makes this note worthy. It is the fact that Steve Martin corrected them that makes it note worthy. The fact that it had to do with a scientific field made it relevant to io9.
I heard that it is because it would cost Telekom AG too much in infrastructure improvements to stay competitive with Verizon, AT&T & Sprint. The billions of dollars Telekom AG gets from AT&T if the deal falls through should help the situation.
So this just occurred to me. Last week I took my 18 month old to our pediatric dentist because she fell and hurt her gums. He said that she had a little cavity starting on one of her front teeth. He then got out what he said was an antibiotic and rubbed it on her tooth and said it would stop the cavity. We are…
Is this true? Because when I was playing SMB: Lost Levels from SMB AllStars for Wii, I noticed Luigi is taller and can jump higher.
I don't know, I'm not convinced there is a dentist lobby. I live in Utah where the masses still believe that fluoridation is a communist plot to the point that when one municipality began fluoridation, people started installing fluoride removal systems in their homes. In all my time here I've never had a dentist tell…
I like my gamecube better than my xbox 360, ps3 or especially wii. Double Dash is my second favorite MarioKart game and if you could get hold of all the equipment, Four Swords adventure is a blast. Presently, my children have brought animal crossing back from the dead and enjoy the gamecube version much more than city…
I knew a kid in Junior High who soaked his pants in gasoline and then lit them on fire because he honestly thought that only the denim that had been soaked in gasoline would burn. He missed a lot of school that year.
It takes a phenomenally larger amount of will power not to search the internet for Krokodil than it does to go to [] and type in Krokodil. I think I'm having some physical withdrawal symptoms sitting here trying not to search.
My wife ALWAYS accuses me of having gorilla paws or ape mitts or similar unflattering descriptions for hands. So one day I told her she had Havisham hands ... it did not end well.
Lion King? Really? That's your best Disney movie of all time? That's just sad. I would take the Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast or especially Aladdin over the Lion King any day. I actually have a theory about the Lion King which operates like this: If you are over about 30, then based upon your age at the time it…
The genes were discovered by the University of Utah, a publicly funded school, and are licensed to Myriad Genetics. This happens at Universities all over the country. Tax payer funded schools use their tax payer funds to support research which leads to breakthroughs which are then licensed to private firms (often set…
The patents were rejected by a federal court. The federal court decision was overturned by a federal appeals court. Presently, the The American Civil Liberties Union and the Public Patent Foundation have petitioned the US Supreme Court for certiorari. We should know soon whether or not the supremes take the case. This…
Love your analogy. The other thing to remember is that many mortgage loan officers were stearing their customers toward less favorable mortgage loans because both they and the servicing bank would get a higher profit from the loan. This was happening even though the borrower was qualified for the more favorable…
I had mice in my ceiling last year above a bay window in my bedroom where I couldn't access them. I was one step away from cutting a hole in my wall and making an access for the sole purpose of putting poison in there when I tried one last thing. It was a Black & Decker Ex310 Pest Repeller. I plugged it into the…
My mom tried not to have me on Halloween and I'm glad she failed. Halloween is the best birthday ever. You know how people whose birthdays are on Christmas get the shaft every year? Well Halloween birthdays are the exact opposite. There is a party on your birthday every year everywhere. In elementary school they take…
Corn - fruit, vegetable or grain? discuss.
Crap, who wants to tell my wife that I'm gay?