I thought that the Incredibles had killed off capes once and for all. Or is Superman so Super that he doesn't have to worry about being harmed by things like being sucked into jet engines?
I thought that the Incredibles had killed off capes once and for all. Or is Superman so Super that he doesn't have to worry about being harmed by things like being sucked into jet engines?
Well, technically he only said he "would" not that he "will".
Does anyone else think that the "making fake electronics" jobs in China are one of the better jobs that a person could have in this life? Just to have access to the factories and component manufacturers necessary to whip stuff up would be amazing.
I'll take this show in that it's one of the only sci-fi shows on television. So I think that the lesson we learn is that in order to be successful and stay on the air as a sci-fi show, you've got to dumb it down a bit. I'm okay with this, if it means mainstream viewers continue to watch. My current gripe storywise is…
I'm no Captain Tightpants (more like a distant second in terms of toughness) but it's the beginning of the Abrams Star Trek movie that gets me every time. They could have ended it right there and I'd have been fine.
It seems like an acknowledgement on the part of Nintendo that the thing was priced too high in the first place. Which is funny because when the system's price was announced, the complaint I heard most often was that it was priced too high. Go figure.
Windows 7 wasn't the seventh iteration of Windows either. I guess tech companies love their number 7.
If this were an episode of Star Trek TNG, Picard would make sure that this new species was afforded all the protections of the Prime Directive!
You know, I love Jemaine almost as much as my wife loves Jemaine. Flight of the Conchords, both, the band and the music, were fantastic. But here's the thing, Jemaine the actor in these movies is not fantastic. If anything I feel like I've been scammed by Jemaine. Like he was just creating awesome music to get his…
The only racists this helps are the newly immigrated Africans who do not want to be associated with or confused with African Americans. You see, most African Americans are also mutts in that their ancestors were raped by slave owners AND/OR the great American melting pot of inter-racial marriage.
One season is about an hour of content. It is a tiny investment. I think it is great, absolutely worth an hour. Clair's husband kills!
Lack of support for the gamecube-gameboy advance cable did the Micro in for me. Otherwise I would have bought four of them to play four swords with.
See, and even as I was typing, I remembered something about it from the books. Kudos to you and your superior HP knowledge!
I always wanted an American series following the Harry Potter wizard war stateside. What school do American witches and wizards attend? Or did Salem witch trials pretty much purge all the witches from North America?
Did we ever figure out why the game hiccups when someone dies? thereby killing all the other players? That is one seriously flawed game design.
I have two blonde haired boys, 9 and 5, who are convinced that they are Link and it is due almost entirely to Wind Waker. People can criticize the art style all they want but from a marketing/indoctrination stand point the art style was pure gold. The only thing that would be better would be a Link Sackboy outfit.
I cannot properly express my complete and utter dissatisfaction with Disney's Karaoke offerings over the years. My family has purchased multiple products over the years, the most recent being Sing It! Disney Family Hits and they have all been complete disappointments. The best Disney Karoke product I own is a…
For me, it was all about the expectations. I remember seeing the first screen captures for Wind Waker and being horrified. Once I played it however, I was converted.
This is pretty stupid. The current trend is toward link shortening, ti.me; es.pn; goo.gl; etc. This really comes across as a money grab by ICANN, but what's new?
I was keeping it together, fighting the nostalgia, up until they started playing We Built this City. How do they know? I see 8 year old me there. If I'm watching TV, it's the Muppet Show, if I'm listening to the radio it's We Built this City. So, YES! I will watch your movie! I am there! I Love Muppets! And the Star…